The community sector is being excluded from UK HE¡¯s post-Covid recovery

Now is the time to build a research infrastructure that harnesses and nurtures the energy, creativity and enterprise of the third sector, says letter

August 2, 2020
Source: iStock

On 7 July, the UKRI and the National Centre for Universities and Business announced a new to consult on how to build better university-business partnerships as part of the post-Covid recovery plan. The challenges we are facing ¨C profound social inequalities, an urgent need for creative and innovative thinking to regenerate communities, deep changes in behaviour to transition to net zero carbon ¨C however, also require partnerships with the community sector ¨C from social enterprises to voluntary organisations, from charities to mutual aid groups. These groups have been central to building social resilience in the face of Covid-19 (just look at the recent report from Locality for examples of what this sector has done across the UK). And university-community partnerships are at the forefront of regeneration and renewal ¨C demonstrating precisely the high-innovation, cutting-edge thinking that creates real change on the ground.

There is no sign, however, that this sector will be given the same right of consultation on the UK¡¯s research road map that we see being given to businesses. Once again, then, we will be left with a research infrastructure that privileges large commercial organisations and actively excludes the communities on the ground who have real expertise and insight to share in ¡°building back better¡±. It is time for a change. First, we need serious representation for social enterprises and community businesses on the university-business task force. Second, we need an equivalent task force for university-community collaboration. These requests form the basis of a sent this week to Research England and UKRI from 550 academics and civil society organisations.

Now is the time to build a research infrastructure that can really harness and nurture the huge energy, creativity and real enterprise of the third sector.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Keri Facer, AHRC leadership fellow, Connected Communities Programme



Professor Andrew Prescott, AHRC leadership fellow, Digital Transformations

Tony Armstrong, CEO, Locality

Professor Sarah Banks, Durham University

Professor Jon Dovey, director, South West Creative Technology Network



Sophia de Sousa, The Glass-House Community Led Design

Dr Zubaida Haque, interim director, Runnymede Trust

Professor John Goddard, emeritus professor of regional and development studies, University of Newcastle

Professor Morag McDermont, University of Bristol

Dame Julia Unwin, chair, Civil Society Futures

Professor Andrew Miles, University of Manchester

Richard Harries, director, Power to Change Research Institute

Gilane Tawadros, chair, Stuart Hall Foundation

Professor Angie Hart, University of Brighton

Anna Fowlie, CEO, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

Jackie Brock, chief executive, Children in Scotland

Paul Streets, chief executive, Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales

Professor John Mohan, director, Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham



Professor Mark Graham, University of Oxford?????????

Dr Tom Wakeford, ETC Group (Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration)

Mustafa Rampuri, director, Quantum Technologies Innovation Centre, University of Bristol

Dr Steve Sayers, chief executive, Windmill Hill City Farm

Lucy Findlay MBE, managing director, Social Enterprise Mark CIC

Toby Watley, Birmingham Museums Trust

Anita Shervington, director, BLAST Fest Ltd (Black Life, Arts, Science & Technology Festival)

Sophie Wilson, The Centre for Voluntary Action, BVSC

Dr Andrew Gosler, University of Oxford

Heather Rostron, senior research nurse, NIHR 70@70, and senior nurse research leader, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Professor Kate Pahl, Manchester Metropolitan University

Clare Reddington, CEO, Watershed

Dr Abigail Gilmore, University of Manchester

Dr Johan Siebers, Middlesex University and School of Advanced Study

Scott Dennis, director, Boingboing Resilience CIC

Garth Hodgkinson, chair, Community CVS

Anna Perry, CEO, Great Western Air Ambulance Charity

Professor Ann Light, University of Sussex and University of Malmo

Dr Theodore Zamenopoulos, The Open University

Dr Katerina Alexiou, The Open University

Professor Jenny Phillimore, University of Birmingham

Professor Kristina Niedderer, Manchester Metropolitan University

Dr Julia Gillen, Lancaster University

Professor Paul Palmer, City, University of London

Professor Sarita Malik, Brunel University London

Emeritus Professor Eric Cross, Newcastle University

Professor Carenza Lewis, University of Lincoln

Professor Sarah Lloyd, University of Hertfordshire

Professor Brad Beaven, University of Portsmouth

Dr Helen Graham, University of Leeds

Professor Hilary Pilkington, University of Manchester

Dr Bob Johnston, University of Sheffield

Dr Lucy Series, Cardiff University

Professor Maggie Andrews, emeritus professor of cultural history, University of Worcester, honorary senior research fellow, University of Birmingham

Dr Ellie Byrne, Straeon Research Ltd

Professor Cath Larkins, University of Central Lancashire

Professor Tom Sperlinger, University of Bristol

Dr Ges Rosenberg, research fellow in engineering systems and design, University of Bristol

Dr Dawn Lyon, University of Kent

Professor Tim Cole, director, Brigstow Institute, University of Bristol

Professor Valerie Walkerdine, Cardiff University

Professor Claire Alexander, University of Manchester

Professor Debbie Watson, University of Bristol

Dr Andrea Armstrong, Durham University

Professor Angela Harden, University of East London

Dr Clare Rishbeth, University of Sheffield

Professor Richard Hall, De Montfort University

Professor Ian Grosvenor, University of Birmingham

Professor Elizabeth Harvey, University of Nottingham

Dr Clara Crivellaro, Newcastle University

Professor Bridget Bennett, University of Leeds

Dr Andrew Flinn, University College London

Professor Adam Thorpe, University of the Arts London

Dr Roberta Comunian, department of culture, media and creative industries, King¡¯s College London

Professor Mike Heffernan, University of Nottingham

Juliette Rayner, ERIC, The Children¡¯s Bowel and Bladder Charity

Savita Willmott, CEO, The Natural History Consortium

Zanib Rasool MBE, community researcher, University of Sheffield

Dr Niamh Moore, University of Edinburgh

Professor Graham Jeffery, University of the West of Scotland

Dr Sarah Amsler, University of Nottingham

Janet Batsleer, Manchester Metropolitan University

Dr Jenna C. Ashton, University of Manchester

Professor Joe Painter, Durham University

Dr Emma Martin, University of Manchester

Denise Almeida, University College London

Professor Martyn Amos, Northumbria University

Dr Reza Gholami, University of Birmingham

Dr Johan Siebers, Middlesex University London

Dr Lorens Holm, University of Dundee

Professor Penny Tinkler, University of Manchester

Dr Maria Angela Ferrario, Lancaster University

Dr Rafael Mitchell, University of Bristol

Dr Daniela Romano, University College London

Professor Vanessa May, University of Manchester

Professor Maiken Umbach, University of Nottingham

Professor Gabrielle Ivinson, Manchester Metropolitan University

Professor Charles Forsdick, AHRC theme leadership fellow, Translating Cultures and University of Liverpool

Dr Nicola Dempsey, University of Sheffield

Dr Katrina Navickas, University of Hertfordshire

Sally Carr MBE, The Empowerment People

Professor Guy Orpen, University of Bristol

Professor Jane Martin, University of Birmingham

Maria Viner, chief executive, Mothers for Mothers

Professor Simon McGrath, Unesco chair in international education and development, University of Nottingham

Professor Patricia Thomson, University of Nottingham

Dr Eva Elliot, University of Cardiff

Dr Kostas Arvanitis, University of Manchester

Dr Karen Smith, independent

Professor Jo Robinson, University of Nottingham

Dominic Wood, 1625 Independent People

Dr James Duggan, Manchester Metropolitan University

Dr Helen Holmes, University of Manchester

Dr Tom Woodin, UCL Institute of Education

Dr Sherilyn MacGregor, University of Manchester

Professor Emma Barrett OBE, University of Manchester

Dr Raghda Marai Zahran, University of Newcastle

Claire Milne MBE, London School of Economics

Lyndon Way, University of Liverpool

Professor Richard Heeks, University of Manchester

Lizzie Briggs, Bristol Hospitality Network

Dr Nathan Eisenstadt, University of Bristol

Dr Piali Ray OBE, director, Sampad Asian Arts and Heritage

Dr Debbie Maxwell, University of York

Subitha Baghirathan, Wellspring Settlement

Dr Arathi Sriprakash, University of Cambridge

Dr Peter Williams, University College London

Dr Christian Schemmel, University of Manchester

Professor Eric Herring, University of Bristol

Dr Jo Deakin, University of Manchester

Liz Richardson, University of Manchester

Professor Margaret Greenfields, Buckinghamshire New University

Dr Petra Tjitske Kalshoven, University of Manchester

Dr Peter McMylor, University of Manchester

Dr Alex Hale, University of Edinburgh

Professor John Diamond, emeritus professor of public policy and professional practice, Edge Hill University

Dr Angela Piccini, University of Bristol

Professor Nicky Gregson, Durham University

Professor Nigel Sherriff, University of Brighton

Dr Suna Eryigit-Madzwamuse, University of Brighton

Dr Harriet Rowley, Manchester Metropolitan University

Dr Emma Roe, University of Southampton

Dr Becky Heaver, University of Brighton

Professor Alan Simpson, King¡¯s College London

Dr Toby Pillatt, University of York

Professor Josie McLellan, University of Bristol

Dr Jenny Barke, University of Bristol

Dr Buket Kara, University of Brighton

Professor Harold Mytum, University of Liverpool

Dr Julianne Nyhan, UCL

Professor Marie Harder, School of Computing, Engineering & Mathematics, University of Brighton

Hilary Wood, Blackpool Council

Dr Rumana Bukht

Dr Janette Martin, University of Manchester Library

Professor Rich Pancost, School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol

Emma Reece, HeadStart, Blackpool

Professor Rebecca Elmhirst, School of Environment and Technology, University of Brighton

Dr. Alessandro Sancino, director of research on citizenship & governance, The Open University

Dr Nick Thoburn, University of Manchester

Gabrielle Rowles, Boingboing, Brighton

Dr Helen Manchester, University of Bristol

Dr Les Levidow, The Open University

Professor Adrian Smith, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex

Professor Richard Holliman, The Open University

Professor Martin Parker, lead for the Inclusive Economy Initiative, University of Bristol

Professor Therese O¡¯Toole, University of Bristol

Professor Deborah Wilson, University of Bristol

Kay Libby, CEO, Age UK Bristol

Dr Julia Paulson, University of Bristol

Professor Andrew Newman, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Professor Andrew Church, University of Brighton

Professor Peter Turnbull, University of Bristol

Dr Lorna Roberts, Louise Da-Cocodia Education Trust, and visiting fellow, Manchester Metropolitan University

Suzanne Wilson, Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust

Dr Aoileann Ni Mhurchu, University of Manchester

Professor Bridget Anderson, University of Bristol

Vicki Palmer, CEO, Oasis-Talk CIC

Shelagh Hetreed, Nilaari Mental Health Agency, Bristol

Professor David Higgins, University of Leeds

June Bianchi, senior lecturer, Bath Spa University

Katie Martin, student enterprise and SME development manager, University of Bristol

Dr Chelsea Sambells, University of Huddersfield

Dr Emma Williamson, University of Bristol

Anne Rathbone, senior training and consultancy manager, Boingboing CIC, and PhD student, University of Brighton

Jon Fox, University of Bristol

Kevin Richmond, chief executive, Sussex Community Foundation

Dr Maria Pampaka, University of Manchester

John Halliwell, University of Bristol

Professor Debora Price, University of Manchester

Dr Kay Aranda, University of Brighton

Dr Bruce Davenport, Newcastle University

Dr Len Kelleher, University of Bristol

Professor John Holmwood, University of Nottingham

John Hayward-Cripps, CEO, Neighbourhood Watch Network

Dr Hannah Zeilig, University of the Arts, London

Richard Pendlebury MBE DL, CEO, The Anchor Society

Dr Kate Miller, University of Bristol

Dr Ed Atkins, University of Bristol

Dr Carolyn Hassan, Knowle West Media Centre

Professor Rachel Gibson, University of Manchester

Dr Paul Willis, University of Bristol

Professor Lee Marshall, University of Bristol

Ingrid Pugh, University of Brighton

Dr Oliver Bates, Lancaster University

Dr Christopher Bull, School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University

Professor Simeon Yates, University of Liverpool

Professor Luigina Ciolfi, Sheffield Hallam University

Dr Garfield Benjamin, Solent University

Dr James Nicholson, Northumbria University

Professor Chris Speed, University of Edinburgh

Dr Bettina Nissen, University of Edinburgh

Dr Kirsteen Shields, University of Edinburgh

Associate Professor Ciar¨¢n O¡¯Keeffe, Bucks New University

Dr Niki Black, Newcastle University

Viktoria Erlacher, volunteer, Boingboing Resilience CIC, and PhD student, University of Brighton

Mark Pepper, CEO, Ambition Lawrence Weston Development Trust

David Tudgey, Ambition Community Energy CIC

Dr Daniel Finch-Race, University of Bristol

Dr John Rooksby, Northumbria University

Catie Cundall, University of Edinburgh

Dr Christian Nold, University of the Arts London

Dr Reuben Binns, University of Oxford

Dr Fiona Spotswood, University of Bristol

Dr Sheena Vachhani, University of Bristol

Professor John Vines, Northumbria University

Professor Richard Holliman, The Open University

Dr Jude Fransman, The Open University

Professor Agnes Nairn, University of Bristol

Dr Vasilis Vlachokyriakos, Newcastle University

Professor Richard Owen, University of Bristol

Goska Ong, St Werburghs Community Association

Matt Dowse, PhD researcher, University of Bristol

Elena Pegani, PhD researcher, University of Bristol

Chris Blythe, chief executive, Social Farms & Gardens

Professor Katherine Charsley, University of Bristol

Dr Marcus Winter, University of Brighton

Professor Muki Haklay, University College London and Mapping for Change CIC

Dr Artemis Skarlatidou, senior researcher, University College London

Professor Susan Parnell, University of Bristol

Professor Amina Memon, Royal Holloway University of London

Maggie Gordon-Walker, director, Mothers Uncovered

Professor Andy Dearden, Sheffield Hallam University

Dr Andrew Wray, head of knowledge exchange?and REF impact lead, University of Bristol

Dr Alison Wallace, University of York

Professor Leon Tikly, University of Bristol

Jamie Darwen, University of the West of England

Dr. Elinor Carmi, University of Liverpool

Professor Lorraine Gamman, University of the Arts London

Marisol Hernandez-Garn, volunteer, Boingboing Resilience CIC, and PhD student, University of Brighton

Dr Catherine Dodds, University of Bristol

Julia Slupska, researcher, University of Oxford

Dr Antonia Liguori, Loughborough University

Dr Les Roberts, University of Liverpool

Kathy New, PhD researcher, Lancaster University

Professor Sally Wyke, dean of research, College of Social Sciences, University of Glasgow

Dr Fiona O¡¯Rourke, University of Liverpool

Professor Julie Barnett, University of Bath

Caroline Beswick, senior development manager, Boingboing Resilience CIC

Hannah Stockwell, community development executive, Mapping For Change CIC

Dr Malu Villela, School of Management, University of Bristol

Dr James Palmer, University of Bristol

Dr Ben Kirman, University of York

Dr Duncan Hodges, Cranfield University

Dr Vatsala Nundloll, Lancaster University

Professor Chris Phillipson, University of Manchester

Professor Alex Hughes, Newcastle University

Dr Elizabeth Haines, University of Bristol

Dr Georgina Turner, University of Liverpool

Professor Alison Prendiville, LCC University of the Arts London

Mr Neil Redfern, executive director, Council for British Archaeology

Professor Michele Burman CBE FRSE FAcSS, University of Glasgow

Professor Bridgette Wessels, University of Glasgow

Georgina Holden, The Open University

Professor Ben Rogaly, University of Sussex

Professor Tom Sorell, Warwick University

Dr Lorraine Hudson, manager, Bristol Living Lab, Knowle West Media Centre

Professor Niro Siriwardena, University of Lincoln

Professor Michelle Henning, University of Liverpool

Dr Nicola Gauld, University of Birmingham

Dr Patricia Gay?, University of Bristol

Dr. Karen Gregory, University of Edinburgh

Professor Nick Watson, University of Glasgow

Dr Myles-Jay Linton, University of Bristol

Melissa Mean, director, We Can Make, Knowle West Media Centre

Professor Gordon Blair, Lancaster University

Chris Fremantle, research fellow and lecturer, Gray¡¯s School of Art, Robert Gordon University

Robin Simpson, chief executive, Voluntary Arts

Dr Elvira Perez Vallejos, associate professor, Mental Health and Technology, NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, University of Nottingham

Professor Robin Hambleton, University of the West of England

Dr Erinma Ochu, University of Reading

Dr Harry Pitts, University of Bristol

Dr Foluke Adebisi, University of Bristol

Dr Tigist Grieve, University of Bristol

Vivienne Kuh, University of Bristol

Professor Andrew Sturdy, University of Bristol

Dr Rob Ellis, University of Huddersfield

Dr Lindsey Pike, University of Bristol

Dr Alice Bryer, University of Bristol

Vicki Dunham, senior practice development lead, Boingboing CiC

Coral Manton, lecturer in creative computing, Bath Spa University

H¨¦l¨¨ne de Ribaupierre, lecturer in computer science, Cardiff University

Dr Trevor Collins, The Open University

Professor Eleonore Kofman, Middlesex University

Mar¨ªa Alonso Rold¨¢n, business development executive, Mapping For Change CIC

Dr Kerry Traynor, University of Liverpool

Dr Ben Dalton, Leeds Beckett University

Professor Vasilis Katos, Bournemouth University

Dr Sotiris Moschoyiannis, senior lecturer in complex systems, University of Surrey

Dr Carl Stevenson, University of Birmingham

Dr N¨®ra Ni Loideain, director and lecturer in law, information law & policy, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London

Nicky Hickman, RSA fellow

Dr Mistale Taylor, Trilateral Research

Professor Jude Robinson, University of Glasgow

Dr Amanda Taylor-Beswick, Queen¡¯s University Belfast

Dr Yang Lu, University of Kent

Chaya Tagore, lead, Maternity Voices Partnership?

Dr Kai Xu, Middlesex University

Eloise Meller, knowledge exchange manager, University of Bristol

Dr Yannis Tzioumakis, University of Liverpool

Dr Avelie Stuart, University of Exeter

Dr Ciara Staunton, Middlesex University

Dr Grant Blank, University of Oxford

Professor Gianluca Veronesi, University of Bristol

Professor Tariq Modood, University of Bristol

Professor David Miller, University of Bristol

Heather Saxton, programme manager, University of Bristol

Barney Heywood, co-director, Stand + Stare

Lucy Telling, co-director, Stand + Stare

Professor Lynne Hall, University of Sunderland

Dr Huw Thomas, University of Bristol

Dr Lorna Hards, ESRC IAA project manager, University of Sussex

Lisa Buttery, project worker, assistant trainer and artist-in-residence, Boingboing Resilience CIC

Laura M Loveday, translational funding manager, University of Exeter

Dr Jacob Johanssen, St Mary¡¯s University, Twickenham



Dr Junko Theresa Mikuriya, University of West London

Brigid Howarth, head of society, culture and organisations, University of Exeter

Professor Paul Rodgers, University of Strathclyde

Dr Laura Fogg-Rogers, University of the West of England, Bristol

Professor Patrick Capps, University of Bristol

Dr Katharine S. Willis, University of Plymouth

Alice Malhador, University of Bristol

Dr Nick Taylor, Northumbria University

Dr Maria Sourbati, University of Brighton

Professor Matt Baillie Smith, Northumbria University

Professor Jayne Wallace, Northumbria University

Dr Kyle Montague, Northumbria University

Dr Reem Talhouk, Northumbria University

Ann Singleton, University of Bristol

Jenny Hoy, head, Centre for Open Learning, University of Edinburgh

Claire Chivers, learning and monitoring officer, Age UK Bristol

Dr John McWilliams, University of Bristol

Beth Tarleton, University of Bristol

Dr Marco Mason, lecturer, Northumbria University School of Design

Megan Marie Doherty, Northumbria University

David Jones, CEO, Changing Tunes

Professor Claire Dunlop, University of Exeter

Ken Aitchison, director, Midlothian Science Festival

Dr Jan Smeddinck, Newcastle University

Dr Beatriz Garcia, University of Liverpool

Ganiat Omolara Kazeem, PhD researcher, The Open University

Professor Karen West, University of Bristol

Professor Jo-Anne Bichard, Royal College of Art

Liv Laumenech, public art officer, University of Edinburgh

Dr Laura Fogg-Rogers, University of the West of England

Milton Brown, CEO, Kirklees Local TV

Professor Kathleen Galvin, University of Brighton

Dr Katie McClymont, University of the West of England

Ben Goldsworthy, KTP associate, Lancaster University

Gabi Kent, knowledge exchange lecturer, The Open University and Time to Think project

Professor Mark Blythe, Northumbria University

Dr Lyndsay Grant, University of Bristol

Dr Chris Street, University of Huddersfield

Professor Ann Hemingway, Bournemouth University

Dr Katherine Dunleavy, Courtauld Institute of Art

Konstantinos Roussos, PhD researcher, University of Essex

Professor Gillian Symon, Royal Holloway, University of London

Karen Lloyd, manager, Active Ageing Bristol, St Monica Trust and The Anchor Society

Dr Catherine Hammond, Sheffield Hallam University

Dr Bob Colenutt, Oxford Brookes University

Professor Sue Brownill, Oxford Brookes University

Dr Anne Sofie Laegran, head of knowledge exchange and impact, University of Edinburgh

Dr Rob Byrne, Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex

Professor W. Edward Steinmueller, University of Sussex

Peter Goddard, senior lecturer, University of Liverpool

Dr Juliet Carpenter, Oxford Brookes University

Dr Jonathan Foster, University of Sheffield

Dr Tim Jones, Oxford Brookes University

Professor Carlota Perez, IIPP, UCL, and SPRU, University of Sussex

Dr Luciana Lang, University of Manchester

Dr Rocio Alvarez-Tinoco, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex

Dr Tommaso Ciarli, SPRU, University of Sussex Business School

Tor Alexander Bruce, doctoral researcher in immersive technology and mental health, Northumbria University

Dr Nezhapi-Delle Odeleye, Anglia Ruskin University

Stacy Yelland, chief executive, Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Management

Dr Miranda Armstrong, lecturer, University of Bristol

Professor Thomas Scharf, Newcastle University

Dr Jadwiga Leigh, Lancaster University, and director, New Beginnings Greater Manchester

Callum Nash, lecturer in advertising, branding and communication, UWL, and PhD candidate, Northumbria University

Dr Renuka Thakore, research assistant, Research, Innovations and Partnerships Department, University College of Estate Management

Professor Dilys Williams, director, Centre for Sustainable Fashion, University of the Arts, London

Laird Ryan, module leader, University College of Estate Management

Dr Jonathan Dolley, research fellow, Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex Business School

Dr Lee Crookes, university teacher and co-director of engaged learning, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, University of Sheffield

Dr Andy Inch, senior lecturer, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, University of Sheffield

Professor Lucy Kimbell, Social Design Institute, University of the Arts London

Dr Christine Smith, senior research fellow, University of Huddersfield, and public involvement lead, NIHR ARC YH

Dr Martin Burgess, Sustainable Consumption Institute, University of Manchester

Savitri Hensman, King¡¯s College London

Dr Caroline Barker, strategic lead patient and public involvement, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

Sue Wood, head of operations, NIHR ARC Greater Manchester

Joanna Holmes, co-director, Wellspring Settlement

Dr Stan Papoulias, assistant director, Service User Research Enterprise, King¡¯s College London

Ruth Donnelly, University of Edinburgh

Professor Bev Skeggs, University of Lancaster

Ruby Bhatti OBE FSRA AFHEA, public contributor, University of Huddersfield

Dr Stephen Connelly, University of Sheffield

Mirika Flegg, volunteer, Boingboing Resilience CIC

Selina Wallis, public and community involvement manager, NIHR, ARC NWC

Dr Angela Sweeney, Service User Research Enterprise, King¡¯s College London

Professor Fiona Marshall, University of Sussex

Dr Aoife Sadlier, Service User Research Enterprise, King¡¯s College London

Liz Zeidler, Centre for Thriving Places

Rosie Davies, research fellow patient and public involvement, ARC West and UWE

Michael Bahrami-Hessari, patient and public involvement officer for R&D, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Steve Walker, The Open University

Daniel Jary, University of Sheffield

Professor Andy Lawrence, University of Edinburgh

Dr Matjaz Vidmar, University of Edinburgh

Dr Andy Mycock, University of Huddersfield

Mr Charles Weir, Lancaster University

Dr Veronica Barnsley, University of Sheffield

Dr Marisela Gutierrez Lopez, University of Bristol

Maria Piggin, NIHR Imperial Patient Experience Research Centre, and chair, PNH Support?

Dr Mariana Fazenda, University of Cambridge

Dr Philipp Horn, University of Sheffield

Professor Geraint Ellis, Queen's University Belfast

Joyce Fox, patient and public involvement, ARC YH, University of Huddersfield and University of Manchester

Professor Hannah Smithson, Manchester Metropolitan University

Dr Debbie Hatfield, Boing Boing and University of Brighton

Phillip Collis, NIHR NETSCC PPI Review Panel

Dr Imogen Wade, Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex

Professor Rebecca Braun, Lancaster University

Dr Angelika Strohmayer, Northumbria University

David Hurst, honorary secretary, PCaSO - Prostate Cancer Support Organisation

Hannah Turner-Uaandja, PPIE project manager, Manchester NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Kirsty Ross, University of Strathclyde & University of St Andrews

Dr Benjamin Bowman, Manchester Metropolitan University

Dr Jaume Bacardit, Newcastle University

Katherine Baker, public involvement officer, NIHR ARC Wessex

Dr Colin Nolden, University of Bristol and University of Oxford

Dr Melih Celik, University of Bath

Dr Corinna Peniston-Bird, Lancaster University

Emily Lam, independent public reviewer, Cheshire

Dr Gernot Klantschnig, University of Bristol

Professor David Leat, University of Newcastle

David Gilbert, patient director, Sussex MHK Partnership

Dr Glenn Simpson, University of Southampton

Dr Matthew Lockwood, Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex

Dr Patricia Murrieta-Flores, History Department, Lancaster University

Sandra Meadows, CEO, Voscur

Professor Monica Lakhanpaul, GOS-UCL Institute of Child Health

Dr Georgina Brewis, UCL

Dr Nicole Lotz, The Open University

Adam Kamenetzky, senior research fellow, National Institute for Health Research

Professor Jane Holder, UCL

Dr Noha Nasser, visiting lecturer, Cardiff University, and founding director, MELA Social Enterprise

Dr Sam Riches, Lancaster University

Professor Barry C.Smith, School of Advanced Study, University of London

Dr Alison Penn, The Open University

Joe Claxton, RUSI and CREST+ member

Dr Claire Barber, University of Huddersfield

Dr Philippa Prister¨¤, research associate and public involvement adviser, Imperial College London

Dr James Rees, Institute for Community Research and Development, University of Wolverhampton

Dr Jennifer Meegan, The Open University

Professor Alan Dix, director, Computational Foundry, Swansea University

Professor Lorna M Hughes, University of Glasgow

Dr Brendan Maartens, University of Liverpool

Dr Jane Booth, University of Wolverhampton

Mark Poarch, CEO, BRACE Dementia Research

Christine Clinch, The Ammerdown Centre

Dr Daniel Haslam, Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership, The Open University

Chris Dayson, reader/associate professor, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research and Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University

Dr Bipashyee Ghosh, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex

Jennifer Wallace, head of policy, Carnegie UK Trust

Professor Michael Wilson, Loughborough University

Louise Dredge, public engagement manager, University College London

Professor Chris Taylor, Cardiff University

Dr Terra Sprague, University of Bristol

Professor Rodney Harrison, AHRC Heritage Priority Area leadership fellow and professor of heritage studies, University College London

Anne Raffle, chair, Elders Council of Newcastle upon Tyne

Dr Sophie Flemig, chief executive, Cattanach SCIO

Dr Ed Stevens, Arts & Humanities Research Institute, King¡¯s College London

Yakub Patel, CEO, Lancaster District Community and Voluntary Solutions

Laura Cream, UCL Culture, University College London

Simon Cane, UCL Culture, University College London

Dr Ben Littlefield, public engagement manager, University College London

Jo Ennis, industrial strategy manager, University of the Arts London

Dr Lesley Alborough, School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent

Dr Jill Anderson, trustee, Lancaster District Community and Voluntary Solutions

Dr Marie Claire Brisbois, University of Sussex

Karen Pinto-Csaszar, University of Edinburgh

Professor Sue Smith, director, Centre for SME Development, University of Central Lancashire

Professor Helen Chatterjee MBE, professor of biology, University College London

Dr Lindsay Findlay-King, Northumbria University

Dr Stuart Dunbar, engagement manager, University of Edinburgh

Professor Melanie Tebbutt, Manchester Metropolitan University

Professor Richard Clay, Newcastle University

Dr John Paul Hayes, senior lecturer in strategy and responsible management, University of East London

Dr Hilary Snaith, University of Edinburgh

Jim Simpson, University of Brighton

Dr Sarah Barber, Lancaster University

Dr Armine Ishkanian, London School of Economics and Political Science

Carolyn Butterworth, University of Sheffield

Professor Austen Rainer, Queen¡¯s University Belfast

Dr Rhianna Briars, De Montfort University

Professor Richard Ashcroft, City, University of London

Dr Carol Jacklin-Jarvis, director, Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership, The Open University

Professor Carol Taylor, University of Bath

Dr Junko Yamashita, University of Bristol

Dan Corry, CEO, New Philanthropy Capital

Dr Lorna Warren, University of Sheffield

Ruth Nutter, Guild of St George

Camille Allard, University of Sheffield

Alex Kirby-Reynolds

Professor Nigel Caldwell, London Metropolitan University

Naomi Mwasambili, CEO, ChanuaHealth

Ailsa Cameron, NIHR SSCR senior fellow, University of Bristol.

Dr Simon Hayhoe, University of Bath

Dr George Gosling, University of Wolverhampton

Professor Rowland Atkinson, chair in inclusive societies, University of Sheffield

Dr Deborah Sutton, Department of History, Lancaster University

Dr Alvaro Martinez-Perez, University of Sheffield

Professor Garin Dowd, University of West London

Professor Ron Barnett, Institute of Education, UCL

Professor Heather Shore, director, Manchester Centre for Public History and Heritage, Manchester Metropolitan University

Dr Rachael Durrant, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex

Dr Joanna McMinn

Anna Osborne CGMA ACMA, finance manager, Wessex Resolutions CIC

Mike Lake, managing director, HomeFirst Plus

Roger Pipe, chief executive, Millfields Trust

Jane Hatton, CEO, Evenbreak

Dr Vincent Rich, University of Westminster

Dr Tristan Henderson, University of St Andrews

Jo Parkes-Newton, Value Match Foundation

Jan Golding chartered FCIPD, Roots HR CIC

Dr Richard Brook, research lead, Manchester School of Architecture

Miriam Rivas-Aguilar, director and COO, Care Opinion CIC

Kathie Nicolson, learning and improvement manager, Cattanach SCIO

Heidi Fisher, Make an Impact CIC

Becky Sobell, Manchester School of Architecture

Dr Mark Hammond, Manchester School of Architecture

Dr Meng Tian, University of Bath

Melissa Tilling, Charitable Travel

Professor Robert Brown, University of Plymouth

Professor Paula Kersten, University of Brighton

Caroline Fiennes, director, Giving Evidence, and visiting fellow, Cambridge University

Dr Tamar Dinisman, senior researcher, Victim Support

Dr Catherine Walker, University of Birmingham

Professor Steven Ersser, Nursing Science, Bournemouth University ?



Sara Perry, Museum of London Archaeology

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