Black Tudors: The Untold Story, by Miranda Kaufmann Many immigrants in Renaissance times were not slaves but professionals, learns Lucy Wooding By Lucy Wooding 5 October
London¡¯s Triumph: Merchant Adventurers and the Tudor City, by Stephen Alford Book of the week: The rise in London¡¯s trading fortunes owed much to foreign visitors, finds Lucy Wooding By Lucy Wooding 27 April
Bad Queen Bess? Libels, Secret Histories, and the Politics of Publicity in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth I, by Peter Lake Lucy Wooding on the constant suspicion and division in the Elizabethan court By Lucy Wooding 17 March
The Tudor Discovery of Ireland, by Christopher Maginn and Steven G. Ellis Lucy Wooding on a work centred on relations with the Emerald Isle during the reign of Henry VII and Henry VIII By Lucy Wooding 8 October
John Knox, by Jane Dawson A fine new biography of the Protestant zealot opens up the vast panorama of the Reformation, finds Lucy Wooding By Lucy Wooding 4 June
Being Protestant in Reformation Britain, by Alec Ryrie Lucy Wooding discusses a fresh examination of fervent belief By Lucy Wooding 18 April
The Reformation of the Landscape: Religion, Identity, and Memory in Early Modern Britain and Ireland Lucy Wooding praises a compelling study of the evolving significance of the land's sacred features By Lucy Wooding 24 February