Scots and Catalans: Union and Disunion, by J. H. Elliott Book of the week: Donald MacRaild on the parallels and differences between two would-be independent states By Donald M. MacRaild 12 July
Royal Tourists, Colonial Subjects, and the Making of a British World, 1860-1911, by Charles V. Reed Pomp and circulation throughout the Empire linked monarch and subjects, Donald MacRaild writes By Donald M. MacRaild 24 March
Independence or Union: Scotland¡¯s Past and Scotland¡¯s Present, by T.?M. Devine Donald MacRaild on how the Scots see themselves and their place in the UK By Donald M. MacRaild 25 February
Toronto, the Belfast of Canada: The Orange Order and the Shaping of Municipal Culture, by William J. Smyth Donald MacRaild on a study analysing the movement¡¯s influence from 1850 to 1950 By Donald M. MacRaild 13 August