
University of Burgundy

2016 世界大学排名
Esplanade Erasme, Dijon, 21078, France

对于 University of Burgundy

Situated in the picturesque city of Dijon in eastern France, the University of Burgundy has a centuries-old historical and cultural heritage.

The university traces back its origins to the foundation of the Dijon faculty of law in 1722, under King Louis XV, with the faculties of Science, Arts and Medicine being established between 1805 and 1809. Since then, the University of Burgundy has grown to six campuses: the main one, Dijon, just 10 minutes from the city centre; Le Creusot, an hour away; Nevers, west of Burgundy; Auxerre, north of Burgundy; Chalon-sur-Saone, further south; and finally M?con, under an hour away from Lyon.

While it is under two hours by train from the French capital Paris, many will be attracted to all that Dijon itself offers. Its city centre is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Renowned for its cuisine, Dijon welcomes thousands of visitors each year who flock to the International Gastronomy Fair. History and culture, particularly museums, form a crucial part of this city’s identity.

Most of the degrees are taught through French, but some are available in English. Students and teachers can attend tuition classes, intensive courses or evening classes at the Centre for French Studies to improve their language skills, and over 1,500 do so each year. There is also a strong international community with over 200 partner universities.

Among its celebrated alumni are former deputy director of MI6, George Kennedy Young; Nobel Prize for Medicine winner Roger Guillemin; author and critic Lawrence Clark Powell; writer Mohammad-Ali Jamalzadeh and politician Rachida Dati.

University of Burgundy 的排名数据分析



  • 54 : 46
  • 11%
  • 26,612
    Number of FTE Students
  • 20.8
  • n/a
    Proportion of ISR Publications
基于 (1) 2016 世界大学排名和排行榜收集的数据