
Medical College of Wisconsin

2016 世界大学排名
8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53226, United States

对于 Medical College of Wisconsin

The Medical College of Wisconsin is a private medical school based in Milwaukee, in the Midwestern US.

It has three schools: the School of Medicine, the School of Pharmacy, and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

It also has three campuses: one in central Milwaukee, another in Green Bay, about two hours to the north, and a third in Wausau, in central Wisconsin.

In Milwaukee, the School of Medicine offers a traditional four-year course which allows students to taste different areas of practice while considering career paths of interest.

In Green Bay and Wausau, MCW runs an accelerated three-year curriculum aimed at students seeking a career in primary care.

Teaching is informed by practice, with MCW staff caring for hundreds of thousands of patients every year at three major hospitals and more widely across Wisconsin.

It is also informed by more than 120 years of history. The college was the medical school of Marquette University for six decades from 1907, having been founded as the Milwaukee Medical College and the Wisconsin College of Physicians and Surgeons during the 1890s.

However, serious financial difficulties in the medical school led to Marquette terminating its sponsorship in 1967.

Despite the difficult circumstances, independence was the catalyst for major expansion of the newly-renamed MCW, which took on a state-wide focus.

In 1978, MCW moved to its flagship site in central Milwaukee, and the campus has been significantly developed since then, including the construction of the Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital and the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.


Medical College of Wisconsin 的排名数据分析



  • 0.7
  • 1,208
    Number of FTE Students
  • 4%
  • n/a
    Proportion of ISR Publications
  • 48 : 52
基于 (1) 2018 世界大学排名和排行榜收集的数据