Young University Rankings 2017
The 撸撸视频 Young University Rankings list the world’s best universities that are aged 50 years or under.
The 2017 ranking includes 200 institutions, up from 150 in 2016 and 100 in previous years.
The table uses the same 13 performance indicators as the flagship THE World University Rankings but the methodology has been recalibrated to give less weight to reputation.
Institutions must demonstrate high standards of performance across teaching, research, international outlook and knowledge transfer to feature in the list.
View the Young University Rankings 2017 methodology
Switzerland is home to the world’s best young university for the third year in a row: ?cole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.
The remainder of the top six features the same institutions as last year, albeit in a slightly different order: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (second), Nanyang Technological University (third), Pohang University of Science and Technology (fourth), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (fifth) and Maastricht University (sixth).
The UK is the most represented nation in the table with 27 universities, headed by the University of Dundee at 16th, followed by 撸撸视频 with 23.
Meanwhile, institutions in Hong Kong and South Korea are rapidly rising up the table.
While the US dominates the World University Rankings, it claims less than 3 per cent of places in this young top 200.
Overall, 48 countries across Europe, Australasia, Asia, North America and Latin America are represented in the sixth annual edition of the table – more than any other THE ranking, except the flagship world rankings – demonstrating that rising higher education stars are found worldwide.
Read our full analysis of the Young University Rankings 2017 results
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rank order | 世界排名 | 名称 国家 / 区域 | Node ID | 总得分 | 引文 | 商界投资的研究收入 | 国际展望 | 研究 | 教学 | 全职学生数量 | 每位教职员对学生数量 | 国际学生 | 女生对男生比例 |