

毕业的日子是属于学生的,为什么他们不能尽情欢乐又唱又跳呢?詹姆斯·德劳宁(James Derounian)问道

十月 27, 2021
A graduate takes a snooze during his graduation ceremony as a metaphor for Pomp and monotony: why are graduation ceremonies so boring?
Source: Getty



1979年,我从伦敦大学(University of London)已撤销的怀伊农业学院(Wye agricultural college)毕业,那是我人生的巅峰。这所学院位于享有“英格兰的花园”之称的肯特村(Kent village)。那是一个金色的乡村夏日,为数不多的毕业生和他们骄傲的父母举行了一个相对简短而迷人的仪式,在草莓和奶油的香甜中结束。但是后来,说得好听点,我对这类活动的感受变得五味杂陈。


此外,它的规则是强制的。以雷丁大学(University of Reading)的规章制度为例。毕业生“必须穿自己租赁或购买的学位服(帽子、头巾、长袍)。毕业典礼是一个正式的活动....(男士)应在长袍里面穿得体的衣服。如果你要穿衬衫,那么也必须打领带。”最后:“如果你穿着不得体,我们保留阻止你参加毕业典礼的权利。在那种情况下,你会缺席毕业。”

问题在于,在21世纪,所有这些枯燥的礼仪都已过时、乏味,而亲朋好友的出入费却在无情地攀升——据我所知,一家高校相关的出入费高达每位成人32英镑,每位儿童16英镑。总的来说,我花同样的钱去切尔滕纳姆镇(Cheltenham Town)足球俱乐部观看一场比赛,会得到更多的乐趣——即使买同款球衣和租学位服一样贵,但至少我有选择权,而且可以穿好多次。


说句公道话,还是有一线希望的。我看到埃克塞特大学前校长、儿童电视节目主持人弗罗埃拉·本杰明(Floella Benjamin)拥抱毕业生,而不是与他们握手,这产生了真正温暖的人际关系。在另一个值得纪念的场合,我听到一位荣誉称号的获得者谈到她作为集中营幸存者的经历,以及她如何在后来的教育工作中培养宽容心、接纳差异性。说到灵感和娱乐,你可以听听音乐家兼喜剧演员蒂姆·明钦(Tim Minchin)2013年在西澳大利亚大学(University of Western 撸撸视频)毕业典礼上的演讲。


如果你怀疑我的经历的代表性,让我们来听听在社交网络Student Room上学生们是怎么说的。“大多数毕业典礼都很长,很乏味,无聊得像蝙蝠粪便。”有人说道:“这和看伦敦西区的演出或奥运会开幕式可不一样。”还有人这样说:“典礼上有世界历史上最差的演讲者。那个家伙更感兴趣的是介绍公司发明的利用……能源的新方法的技术规格,而不是给毕业生们任何建议。真是无聊透顶。”


在这个数字和多媒体时代,新冠疫情正在其他各种领域逼迫创新,为什么全国学生联合会(National Union of Students)和学生工会不与高校讨论一些更有吸引力的事情?毕竟,毕业是学生的日子。他们为什么不能尽情地又唱又跳呢?



詹姆斯·德劳宁(James Derounian)系英国国家教学名师、博尔顿大学客座教授(University of Bolton)。



Print headline:?Pomp and monotony: why are graduation ceremonies so boring?



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Reader's comments (6)

My children graduated from three different universities c20 years ago. My recollection is that each ceremony was about an hour and enjoyed by child and parents alike. I am sorry to hear there are students/parents/staff having a less good experience now. That said, I think it unreasonable after the money spent up to that point by student (and parent) that there should be a charge. Not convinced by the thought of Civil Engineers graduating in hard hats, hi-viz jackets and safety boots! It is a formal occasion and I sense most students like that but again I do not see why they should be charged for gown hire.
At my university the graduation ceremony itself is not the main event, the students like to dress up and reconnect with their uni friends. Its obvious that Mum and Dad have been talked into buying them a new outfit which can be subsequently used at the disco or party. Its the selfies and the Instagram that matter.
Picking up on a couple points mentioned in the article. Graduations do not need to be boring and many are not. It’s up to the university to set the tone they choose and sometimes they get it wrong by choosing the wrong speakers who are dull, boring and non engaging. Gowns and mortar boards are time honoured traditions. They add a certain historical formality and finality to a journey of higher education. Not everything needs to be modernized. It’s like asking judges to cast aside their robes and wigs when they go to court and just turn up in smart casual attire. I have graduated from universities in both the US and UK and must say I was dumbfounded to find out my family members had to pay to attend graduation. Graduations and their associated costs should be borne by the university. It just looks cheap. Families and students have spend a lot of money to attend university over the course of 3/4 years, the least a University could do is bear the cost themselves, it’s matter of principle. Where I disagree though with the author is likening the cost of attending the graduation ceremony being better spent and more enjoyable at a football game. That’s ridiculous. You can go to a football game anytime you like, you cannot always go to a graduation ceremony especially your own. I lost the opportunity to attend my graduation ceremony due to Covid restrictions. It was cancelled. I will never get that back again. I will never get my 30 seconds of joy to walk across that stage to receive my diploma with my family in attendance, nor celebrate the end of my journey and the hard work and effort put forth to attain that degree.
My father was once asked to speak at a graduation. He opened his speech with "I am sure that many of you are sitting there thinking you could probably do a far better job of giving a speech than some boring old fuddy-duddy" and then went on to prove that he wasn't a boring old fuddy-duddy! There's the importance of tradition, too. "Bat-cloaks" have a long history behind them & the idea of a rite of passege from student to graduate is an important one. It's a chance for parents to be proud, for students to celebrate their accomplishments.... and whilst, if you're a footie fan, you might find attending a match more enjoyable it is not such a momentous occasion, there will be other matches. Each student only gets their degree once. Give me a graduation any day :)
What a poorly timed, badly themed article. Graduates and their loved ones are desperate to have a decent in-person graduation ceremony. Graduates want to wear academic dress. Overwhelmingly they love the pageantry and processions so do parents and grandparents. This is just sour grapes when we all want something sparkling.
I completely agree with the article, the ceremonies are tedious in the extreme. I can't imagine being asked to pay to attend any other event which would be as dull. Time to move on and do something different.