
¿­ÉªÁÕ¡¤»ÝÌرȣ¨Catherine Whitby£©±íʾ£¬ÐÂÎ÷À¼µÄ²úÒµ½çºÍѧÊõ½ç¶¼ÐèÒªÄܹ»³¬Ô½´«Í³Ñ§¿Æ½çÏÞµÄÈ˲Å

ʮһÔ 22, 2021
Pick n mix sweets, symbolising interdisciplinarity
Source: iStock


½ñÄê7Ô£¬¡¶»ª¶û½ÖÈÕ±¨¡·£¨The Wall Street Journal£©£¬½Ò¶ÁËÔÚÃÀ¹ú¹¥¶Á˶ʿѧλµÄѧÉúËù»ýÀ۵ľ޶îÕ®Îñ¡£ÕâЩÁ½ÄêÖƿγ̵Äѧ·Ñ¸ß´ïÿÄê10ÍòÃÀÔª£¨Ô¼63ÍòÈËÃñ±Ò£©¡£¾¡¹ÜѧÕߺܿìÁË˶ʿѧλÊÇΪÁË׬ǮµÄ˵·¨£¬µ«Õâ¸ö¹ÊÊ»¹ÊÇ´«±éÁËÈ«Çò¡£

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Graph of master's enrolments in New Zealand



THE Campus resource: Fostering interdisciplinary learning in large-scale doctoral programmes

½ñÄê4Ô£¬ÐÂÎ÷À¼Éú²úÁ¦Î¯Ô±»á£¨New Zealand Productivity Commision£©·¢ÏÖ£¬Ñо¿Éú²»¾ß±¸ÐÂÎ÷À¼×î¾ßÉú²úÁ¦µÄ¹«Ë¾ËùÐèÒªµÄ¸´ÔÓ¼¼ÄÜ¡£ËûÃǵÄÀͶ¯Éú²úÂÊ£¨Ã¿Ð¡Ê±¹¤×÷µÄ²ú³ö£©»¹²»µ½Èðµä»òмÓƵÈÆäËûСÐÍ·¢´ï¾­¼ÃÌåÖÐͬÀ๫˾µÄÒ»°ë¡£Î¯Ô±»á½¨ÒéÆÀ¹À¹«Ë¾Î´À´µÄÐèÇó£¬ÒÔ½¨Á¢¸üºÃµÄÑо¿ÉúÈ˲ÅÊäËÍÇþµÀ¡£






¿­ÉªÁÕ¡¤»ÝÌرÈÊÇ÷Î÷´óѧ£¨Massey University£©µÄ»¯Ñ§¸±½ÌÊÚ¡£



Print headline:?Make master¡¯s a mixed bag



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Reader's comments (2)

My concern as a senior lecturer, facilitator and consultant is whether students enrolling on postgraduate programmes are on a paper chase. In my opinion, there's a vast difference between acquiring a qualification versus acquiring an education. The concern increases, when the teaching of understanding the importance of the human element (EQ) in the workforce, whether we are leading or being lead is absent. This is reflected in the past and current scenarios where companies under the stewardship of university graduans failing or refusing to recognise this importance. Whether its a specialised or a general pathway, the emphasis on the attributes that involve, managing the human element is crucial. Industrial revolution required strong workers. Information age requires knowledgeable workers. Future age requires emotionally intelligent workers. To summarize the above, all the ages require the understanding of the human element.
My concern as a senior lecturer, facilitator and consultant is whether students enrolling on postgraduate programmes are on a paper chase. In my opinion, there's a vast difference between acquiring a qualification versus acquiring an education. The concern increases, when the teaching of understanding the importance of the human element (EQ) in the workforce, whether we are leading or being lead is absent. This is reflected in the past and current scenarios where companies under the stewardship of university graduans failing or refusing to recognise this importance. Whether its a specialised or a general pathway, the emphasis on the attributes that involve, managing the human element is crucial. Industrial revolution required strong workers. Information age requires knowledgeable workers. Future age requires emotionally intelligent workers. To summarize the above, all the ages require the understanding of the human element.