

乔纳森·齐默尔曼(Jonathan Zimmerman)称,包括他自己在内的,对詹姆斯·斯威特(James Sweet)对于现时论的文章的反应损害了真正的学术辩论

九月 1, 2022
Source: Getty






美国历史学会现任主席、威斯康星大学(University of Wisconsin)历史学家詹姆斯·斯威特的最近引起了轩然大波。斯威特在美国历史学会的月刊《历史观点》(Perspectives on History)上撰文称,他担心自己的职业正在受到“现时论”(presentism)的影响,即通过当下的视角来解释和评价过去。







坦白说,虽然我从未见过斯威特,但我欣赏他的学识。不过,我认为他的文章有一些明显的弱点和歧义。正如林恩·亨特(Lynn Hunt)20年前在自己的美国历史协会主席专栏中对现时论的抨击一样,斯威特没有探讨历史学事如何随着时间而变化的(对历史学家来说,这是一个明显的遗漏)。他提到了自己即将发表的对《纽约时报》(New York Times)的批评(该项目旨在“将奴隶制的后果和美国黑人的贡献置于我们国家叙事的中心”),但他没有解释在他看来,现时论是如何破坏了这一点。他还将最高法院最近对于堕胎和枪支权的判决中错误的历史推论与非洲参与跨大西洋奴隶贸易的扭曲事实联系在一起,然而这两个案例都忽略了(拥有截然不同权力水平的)参与者的显着区别。




乔纳森·齐默尔曼是宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)教育学朱迪和霍华德·伯克维茨教授(Judy and Howard Berkowitz professor),也是教育史教授。




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Reader's comments (5)

Thank you for an excellent article. It is revealing that some of the offended feel free to offend those who with whom they do not agree.
Sweet's mea culpa sounds like the scripted self-criticisms in Stalin's Russia and during the Chinese Revolution and later the Cultural Revolution.
A thoughtful piece. Yet too late to dissipate the negative situation. Whoever is at fault, the current situation is a shambles. Zimmerman points out that there was no dissent in the voices that spoke up about Sweet's article. Is this because there wasn't time for support? It was 2 days between publishing and apology. Would there have been any point in defending or supporting? The current climate indicates that supporters and defenders would have both been called down with the same language used by the loud and angry. The part that struck me most, though is that we need to change the way we think about opposing views. Disagreement. Argument. Debate. These do not cause harm. They do not hurt. I reach for a metaphor and find exercise. So disagreement/argument/debate, these are like exercise. Some enjoy it, some find it difficult. Some hate it. And while the effects may, at times, be hard to bear, we are better off for it. Because it doesn't harm us. It doesn't hurt us. It is actually good for us. Just, sometimes, it is unpleasant and the after effects are miserable. Yet, it is undeniably important that we keep doing it. And the more we do it, the less we'll feel those miserable after effects. Somewhere along the line we stopped treating argument, disagreement and debate as a healthy thing, and started believing it was bad. If I reach for the same metaphor again, I find that exercise, when done wrong, can actually harm, it can hurt. And that's where we currently are. We are doing it wrong, and need to relearn how to do it right. Ad hominem is not disagreement, it is not debate, it is not argument. What it is, is wrong. People use it, I suspect, because they have been taught it. "You don't understand what I'm saying, that's why you disagree. Because, ultimately, this boils down to your intellectual capacity and how much less it is than mine". It doesn't matter if that's the message anyone intended to teach others, but that is the message I've seen spread throughout the world. On all side of all arguments. I'm not saying we should validate poor reasoning (or the complete lack there of). But we need to make sure that the intended message is understood. If that means taking a bit more time to explain, do it.
It is called bullying. And Sweet appeased it.
It is called bullying. And Sweet appeased it.