

黛比·科顿(Debby Cotton)、伊丽莎白·克里弗(Elizabeth Cleaver)和迪利·冯(Dilly Fung)称,不可避免的术语或低质量研究并不是否定整个学科的理由

十二月 2, 2020
Students in a lecture theatre
Source: iStock



以不陷入教学任务为由,批评这篇文章的匿名作者是很容易的,很多网友已经这样做了。显然,对一些高等教育工作者而言,研究才是他们的挚爱,教学只是例行公事——如果我们看看该文章的措辞:“研究时间”和“教学量”就能说明这一点。 但是,这些年来出现了许多对于教学发展的负面文章。这些争论我们的确都听别人谈论过,也值得考虑。因此,我们打算在此为教育发展能如何帮助学者成长提供更积极的看法。










黛比·科顿是普利茅斯·马洪大学(Plymouth Marjon University)的学术实践总监和研究生教育负责人。伊丽莎白·克莱弗是新白金汉大学(Bucks New University)分管教育和数字化的副校长。迪利·冯(Dilly Fung)是伦敦经济学院(London School of Economics)的教育副主任,也是伦敦政治经济学院(London School of Economics and Political Science)公共政策学院的实践教授。




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11月 26日

Reader's comments (11)

Thanks. Well put. I hope our anon friend has an open enough mind to consider your points.
I agree that pedagogy is valuable, and perhaps the European tradition of Didaktik is even more valuable. Those who prefer the unexamined life of teaching need to read a bit of Socrates and Sch?n. But I wonder whether we are emphasising Boyer's scholarship of teaching too much. Surely for most higher education teaching and teachers the main goal is quality teaching. Quality teaching may be the same as or at least overlap substantially with scholarly teaching. While scholarly teaching relies on the findings of the scholarship of teaching and learning, they remain different and separate activities. While all teachers should aspire to scholarly teaching, only a minority of specialists are engaged in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Perhaps our emphasis on the scholarship of teaching and learning undertaken by the few is diverting us from developing scholarly teaching amongst the many.
Let's be clear here; education is not a discipline. Any such attempts to establish credibility that it is, just alienates discipline devotees further. A telling line from this article is; "to offer here a more positive view of how educational development can help academics develop as scholars". Well no thanks, if I want to develop my scholarship further I'll take guidance from my discipline's colleagues. They are better positioned to embrace and to advise because they understand my discipline's complexities. Educational Development is nothing more than interference; often by taking a moral high ground posture of 'knowing better'. I have no difficulty in the pursuit of educational curiosity, be my guest; but please reign in this curiosity and please self isolate yourselves.
There is a sizeable literature on effective educational practice grounded in evidence ranging from randomised control trials to qualitative analysis. Quantitative studies are summarised in meta analyses, such as Schneider and Preckel (2017) for higher education and Hattie (2009) for school education. Hattie, John (2009) Visible learning: a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement, Routledge, London and New York. Schneider, Michael and Preckel, Franzis (2017) Variables associated with achievement in higher education: a systematic review of meta-analyses, Psychological Bulletin, volume 143, number 6, pages 565-600.
Forgive me for asking this question, and with the greatest respect, ... so what??
Educational development is not 'taking a moral high ground posture of "knowing better"', but applying the results of research to practice.
If ALL the research leads to an unequivocal acceptance of those approaches being proposed by educational developers, then you, (as an educational developer??) might have a stronger case. It doesn't though does it?? At the moment educational developers seem only to profess what has emerged from the faculty of opinion, not the faculty of science. My opinion has little in common with most educational development ideas that have been forced on my profession. The debate that educational developers seem to want to have is similar to that of a debate about good parenting. Exchanging views on parenting is both important and captivating, BUT never make the mistake of telling a parent what to do; in your language "applying the results of research to practice". At that point a line has been crossed.
But I have cited 2 studies of educational research which are based on evidence, not on a consensus of opinion. To which I add Kirschner and Hendrick (2020) who summarise 28 seminal studies in cognitive science and educational psychology which inform education. Kirschner, Paul A and Hendrick, Carl (2020) How learning happens: Seminal works in educational psychology and what they mean in practice. Routledge.
I think you have to accept that, despite the evidence you insist exists, educational developers are still struggling to win their arguments. What you get excited by does not excite me. Or indeed many of my colleagues who, at best, humour those who promote prescribed approaches to teaching and learning. Quite frankly many of those within your fraternity have not acquitted themselves well with teaching. This is not to say that my colleagues, or I, dismiss new ideas in teaching and learning, we often have engaging and relevant discussions about both. I think we object to evangelical impositions from our fellow academics from across campus because they infiltrate the soft underbelly of our VC's weakness, and they try infect us with views we don't share. Hence my comment about crossing lines. I would never advocate dismissing your scholarly activities. If you get excited about either the Psychology, Philosophy or Sociology of Education then good for you. If you wish to espouse the evidence you think exists then fine. If you wish to think that the eclectic use of established disciplines has formed another respectable discipline then be happy in your scholarly activities. By all means get excited by the work of others in your fraternity. Please remember, however, there are many others who do not share your views, and we all need to be respected.
I acknowledge that many university academics are poor teachers and refuse to examine evidence that would improve their teaching, but I do not respect persistence with practice which is both poor and poorly informed.
What a fascinating discussion! I'm not sure if shutting your mind to evidence just because you don't "get excited" about it is the best nor most rational strategy, Descartes. I don't get particularly excited about climate change either but this does not stop me from trying to recycle, ride my bicycle and eat less meat. Even if the field of education research is quite young it does have evidence to back it, be it highly situated to the type of institution, cohort and discipline. The field also has many arguments over methodology, the more robust studies using a triangulated model incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data (including Schaffer). There is so much to gain from learning how to teach and design education well, including a better and more nuanced understanding of the discipline you do "get excited" about.