We need more of global science’s good and less of the bad and the ugly Power relations would be more equitable if all leading disciplinary journals and books were published in multiple languages, says Simon Marginson Simon Marginson 2月 28日
Decolonisation does not threaten science or academic freedom Addressing the very real problem of global epistemic exclusion is inclusive and democratic, says Simon Marginson Simon Marginson 9月 30日
Global HE as we know it has forever changed Universities will have to rethink online provision, while the social and economic factors of the pandemic will affect demand, writes Simon Marginson Simon Marginson 3月 26日
How should the UK position itself in the new geopolitics of higher education? With Brexit, we’re on the precipice of a new world order, but UK universities have first mover advantage if they act fast, says Simon Marginson Simon Marginson 1月 30日
We need universal maintenance grants to unlock student potential Too many poorer students across Europe are unable to maximise their learning owing to inadequate financial support, argues Simon Marginson Simon Marginson 3月 31日
Brexit, tuition fees and China: my predictions for academia in 2018 Simon Marginson looks ahead at what 2018 has in store for academia in the UK and further afield Simon Marginson 12月 31日
Higher education and research are the ‘collateral damage’ of Brexit The UK wants membership of EU research programmes, but it is hard to see how this happening, says Simon Marginson Simon Marginson 9月 13日
THE Asia-Pacific University Rankings 2017: ready for the next level? The universities of China, Singapore and South Korea are among the world leaders in some STEM fields, but will they expand their strength into other disciplines? asks Simon Marginson Simon Marginson 7月 4日
Universities: ‘the collateral damage of blood and soil nationalist politics’ The massification of higher education has made it a polarising issue, says Simon Marginson Simon Marginson 3月 5日
Rediscovering the common good in higher education Look to Canada and northern Europe for lessons on reducing inequality, says Simon Marginson Simon Marginson 2月 7日
Master Plan 2.0: still hope for the California dream Via fiscal reform, income-linked loans and four-year places, a famed higher education system can be saved, says Simon Marginson Simon Marginson 9月 22日
China: a rapidly evolving university system Simon Marginson on China’s progress in becoming world class in 撸撸视频’s BRICS & Emerging Economies Rankings 2016 Simon Marginson 12月 2日