Copycats and Contrarians: Why We Follow Others¡and When We Don¡¯t, by Michelle Baddeley What separates the maverick from the herd? Helga Drummond wonders By Helga Drummond 19 July
Are the shutters coming down on UK higher education? The decline of a once-lucrative indoor market shows how job losses at Heriot-Watt could signal big trouble ahead for the sector, says Helga Drummond By Helga Drummond 6 April
The Talent Delusion: Why Data, Not Intuition, is the Key to Unlocking Human Potential, by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic Success stories, such as supermarket founder Ken Morrison, are covered in a study that makes you think, says Helga Drummond By Helga Drummond 16 March
The Process Matters: Engaging and Equipping People for Success, by Joel Brockner There may be ideas for research here, but less in the way of practical lessons for busy managers, says Helga Drummond By Helga Drummond 17 December