Branch campuses are unlikely to blossom Coventry University¡¯s endeavours notwithstanding, other international education initiatives are more sustainable, say Philip Altbach and Hans de Wit By Philip Altbach 19 February
Optimism about US international student numbers is misplaced US universities¡¯ efforts to remain positive won¡¯t wash. Trump is a disaster for recruitment, say Philip Altbach and Hans de Wit By Philip Altbach 20 July
Global higher education might turn upside down as West turns inward Philip G. Altbach and Hans de Wit consider what forms internationalisation may take as the US and Europe retreat from world stage By Philip Altbach 16 February
Will Trump make US HE great again? Not likely Philip G. Altbach and Hans de Wit foresee a bleak future for America¡¯s global excellence and competitiveness By Philip Altbach 17 November