To Begin the World Over Again: How the American Revolution Devastated the Globe, by Matthew Lockwood Elizabeth Cobbs is unconvinced by a lively revisionist account of what the American Revolution did to the wider world By Elizabeth Cobbs 12 September
The Expanding Blaze: How the American Revolution Ignited the World, 1775-1848, by Jonathan Israel Book of the week: Elizabeth Cobbs praises a history that argues persuasively against US exceptionalism By Elizabeth Cobbs 12 October
At Home in the World: Women Writers and Public Life, from Austen to the Present, by Maria DiBattista and Deborah Epstein Nord Women have long been commentators on global affairs but their messages aren¡¯t necessarily getting through, writes Elizabeth Cobbs By Elizabeth Cobbs 30 March
The Highest Glass Ceiling: Women¡¯s Quest for the American Presidency, by Ellen Fitzpatrick Hillary Clinton is not the first woman to run for the White House. Elizabeth Cobbs enjoys an entertaining look at her and her predecessors By Elizabeth Cobbs 10 March
Liberty and Coercion: The Paradox of American Government from the Founding to the Present, by Gary Gerstle Elizabeth Cobbs on an enlightening and alarming study of how the central state has had to fight for its legitimacy By Elizabeth Cobbs 14 January