Vice-chancellors¡¯ partners are the unsung heroes Malcolm?Gillies on the challenges facing university leaders¡¯ significant others 26 June
Harmonisation and discord in Europe EU aims are laudable, says Malcolm?Gillies, but the Bologna Process is no silver bullet 15 May
Greater London: the capital as city state Malcolm Gillies on why the metropolis could (and perhaps should) go it alone 20 February
Retirement planning: it¡¯s about more than money Academics face distinctive choices when they retire, says Malcolm Gillies 9 January
Does a high price always mean high quality? Malcolm?Gillies on contradictory attitudes to soaring fees and value for money 21 November
Blurring boundaries of confidentiality Malcolm Gillies hesitates before marking any documents ¡®For your eyes only¡¯ 10 October
Only some get to choose Recreating a two-tier system is only benefiting ¡®the best¡¯, says Malcolm?Gillies 29 August
ߣߣÊÓƵ¡¯s drive for international students Asia is the focus of new pathways to study, says Malcolm Gillies 14 March
All we want for Christmas Malcolm Gillies awaits a sleigh and nine tiny (UKBA-compliant) reindeer 13 December
All killer, no filler New gatekeeping needed for real choice and access, says Malcolm Gillies 9 August
Beyond the headlines Affordability underpins the bad press about London Met, says Malcolm Gillies 17 May
Winter is coming ¡®Lucky¡¯ ߣߣÊÓƵ is feeling a rather British chill in the air, says Malcolm Gillies 5 April
Time is the essence Malcolm Gillies argues that to succeed, universities must be of the moment 23 February
Share and save alike Malcolm Gillies on the benefits of collaboration in the wake of VAT reform 12 January
Thou shalt not sit on fences Academia must follow the Church¡¯s lead in debating ethics, says Malcolm Gillies 1 December
Tribal language Words of division won¡¯t put the UK together again, argues Malcolm Gillies 20 October
Taking Lithuanian leave Malcolm Gillies asks: how much time off do we really need or deserve? 8 September
Song for Europe We must listen to the Continent¡¯s sounds and sweet airs, says Malcolm Gillies 28 July
Disproportionate claims Malcolm Gillies on how percentages can both reveal and obscure truths 16 June
Gee up the global vision Higher education is still far from borderless, argues Malcolm Gillies 10 February
Is your goose cooked? ...and other quandaries to mull over. Malcolm Gillies takes the temperature 23 December
It adds up to a dodgy deal Malcolm Gillies questions the maths behind the new student loan policy 11 November
Diving into the shallow end Malcolm Gillies applies the rules of lane swimming etiquette to funding 30 September
Scandal of sonic abuse One man's music is so often another man's noise, laments Malcolm Gillies 19 August
London's calling Education is one of the capital's great success stories, says Malcolm Gillies 8 July
Hard and soft options Funding for science or arts? It shouldn't be either/or, argues Malcolm Gillies 27 May
Easy money? That's rich Topping the salary table is not all it's made out to be, says Malcolm Gillies 22 April
Practising what we preach Malcolm Gillies on our duty to offer students ethical and intellectual models 4 March
There's no need to be charitable over external governor appointments The widely held assumption that university councils must have a majority of external members is incorrect, writes Nicholas Bamforth 6 August