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Top universities with the best student-to-staff ratio 2024

Data from the ߣߣƵ World University Rankings reveal the top universities with the best student-to-staff ratios

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  • Rankings for Students
February 21 2024
Top universities for best student to staff ratio


Top 10 universities with the best student-to-staff ratios 2024

Scroll down to see the full table

Staff-to-student ratio rank 2024Staff-to-student ratio rank 2023UniversityCountry/regionNumber of students to one member of staff
1NRBrighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUnited Kingdom0.3
2=1St Marianna University School of MedicineJapan0.8
=3=1Jikei University School of MedicineJapan0.9
=3=1Nippon Medical SchoolJapan0.9
=34Oregon Health and Science UniversityUnited States0.9
65Dokkyo Medical UniversityJapan1.2
77Saitama Medical UniversityJapan1.4
=88Showa UniversityJapan1.6
=8NRQazvin University of Medical SciencesIran1.6
=86Kansai Medical UniversityJapan1.6

A lower student-to-staff ratio can make it easier for students to cultivate close relationships with their lecturers, receive prompt feedback on essays and assignmentsԻ get involved in more interactive seminars and discussions.

ߣߣƵ has created this table of universities with the best student-to-staff ratios in the world to help students work out which institutions might be best placed to provide this kind of learning environment.

The list has been compiled using data from the THE World University Rankings 2024. As part of the rankings, THE collects information on the number of staff and students at each university, and from this we can calculate the student-to-staff ratios. The full methodology of the World University Rankings can be found here. The table below shows the number of students per member of staff for each university.

All the top 10 universities are specialist medical institutions. Because these universities combine practical experience alongside theoretical learning, it might be that they require more staff to support this teaching structure.

It is also the case that many specialist universities have smaller student bodies, with higher numbers of teaching staff. However, some institutions on this list – such as Duke UniversityԻ Vanderbilt University – have large student populations (more than 12,000 each), so this isn’t always the case.

Japan dominates the list, with 31 universities featured. The US comes second with 21 universities. The rest of the top 100 features universities from France, South Korea, India, the UK and China. 

The top five universities with the best student-to-staff ratios

=3. Oregon Health and Science University

This is a public university with a main campus and two hospitals in Portland, Oregon, US. It was founded in 1887.

The institution offers degree programmes in dentistry, medicine and nursing. It is a functioning hospital, simultaneously treating patients, training healthcare professionals and conducting important healthcare research.

Oregon Health and Science University is also one of the largest employers in the state and has launched many community programmes to improve the health of Oregon’s residents.

The university’s Knight Cancer Institute has been a pioneer in medicine through a discovery that identified how to shut down cells that enable cancer to grow without harming healthy ones. Scientists from its Brain Institute are also nationally recognised for discoveries that have led to a better understanding of Alzheimer’s disease.

=3. Nippon Medical School

A private medical school in Tokyo, this is Japan’s oldest private medical university, having been founded in 1876.

The university has two campuses. Musashisakai is about 40 minutes west of the city centre and is where first-year undergraduates take courses in basic sciences and liberal arts.

From the second year to the sixth year, medical training takes place at the Sendagi campus, which is closer to central Tokyo and near the university hospital. Sendagi is also home to the university’s graduate school and its International Exchange Centre.

=3. Jikei University School of Medicine

This is a private university in Minato, Tokyo. The word “jikei” means “mercy and love” in Japanese.

With 2,700 beds and 7,500 outpatients a day, Jikei University Hospital is considered one of the country’s largest educational hospital systems. The university also has international student exchange programmes with the University of Leeds in the UK.

Jikei has four university hospitals – Katsushika Medical Center, Daisan Hospital in Chofu Komae, the Kashiwa Hospital in Chiba and the Jikei University School of Medicine Triton Clinic in Harumi.

2. St Marianna University School of Medicine

Founded in 1971, this is Japan’s only medical university with a Christian ethos, being affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church.

In addition to medical studies, the institution offers a degree in comparative religious studies.

The curriculum consists of initial practical training in the first three years and clinical clerkship in the latter three years.

Associated medical facilities consist of four hospitals and one clinic, all but one of which are in Kawasaki City: St Marianna University Hospital, St Marianna University Toyoko Hospital, St Marianna University Advanced Breast Imaging Center, Kawasaki Municipal Tama Hospital and St Marianna University Yokohama City Seibu Hospital. There is also a nursing junior college and a graduate school.

1. Brighton and Sussex Medical School

This UK institution takes first place for the first time in this year’s student-to-staff ratio ranking. 

It was formed in 2003 out of a partnership between the Universities of Sussex and Brighton, as well as surrounding NHS organisations.

It runs a five-year undergraduate medical degree where students will learn about the functions of the human body, with weekly clinical groups focusing on specific medical conditions. Students will also undertake work placements at the Royal Sussex County Hospital to gain practical experience and develop their clinical skills. 

The university also offers a range of postgraduate full-time and part-time taught degrees in a range of subjects including cardiology, internal medicine, public health, psychiatry and more. 

The top 100 universities with the best student-to-staff ratios 2024

Click each institution to view its full World University Rankings 2024 profile

Staff-to-student ratio rank 2024Staff-to-student ratio rank 2023UniversityCountry/regionNumber of students to one member of staff
1NRBrighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUnited Kingdom0.3
2=1St Marianna University School of MedicineJapan0.8
=3=1Jikei University School of MedicineJapan0.9
=3=1Nippon Medical SchoolJapan0.9
=34Oregon Health and Science UniversityUnited States0.9
65Dokkyo Medical UniversityJapan1.2
77Saitama Medical UniversityJapan1.4
=88Showa UniversityJapan1.6
=8NRQazvin University of Medical SciencesIran1.6
=86Kansai Medical UniversityJapan1.6
11=9Guangzhou Medical UniversityChina1.7
1211University of Nebraska Medical CenterUnited States2
=1312Rush UniversityUnited States2.1
=13=13Kanazawa Medical UniversityJapan2.1
1515University of Occupational and Environmental Health, JapanJapan2.5
1616Aichi Medical UniversityJapan2.9
=17=19Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineJapan3.2
=1717Shiga University of Medical ScienceJapan3.2
1918Sapporo Medical UniversityJapan3.3
20=9Tokyo Medical UniversityJapan3.4
21=21Fujita Health UniversityJapan3.6
=22=25Duke UniversityUnited States3.9
=22=19Kerman University of Medical SciencesIran3.9
=22=21Vanderbilt UniversityUnited States3.9
25=25Emory UniversityUnited States4
=2624Wake Forest UniversityUnited States4.1
=26=30Hamamatsu University School of MedicineJapan4.1
=2634Johns Hopkins UniversityUnited States4.1
29=30Montanuniversität LeobenAustria4.2
=30=25University of CopenhagenDenmark4.3
=30NRWakayama Medical UniversityJapan4.3
3228Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU)Japan4.4
33=21University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical CampusUnited States4.5
=34NRNational University of Medical Sciences (NUMS)Pakistan4.6
=34NRHyogo Medical UniversityJapan4.6
36=30Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesSweden4.7
3735Capital Medical UniversityChina4.9
38=30Juntendo UniversityJapan5
=3936Kitasato UniversityJapan5.2
=3929Columbia UniversityUnited States5.2
=39=43Yale UniversityUnited States5.2
=42=38University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campusUnited States5.4
=4240Medical University of GdańskPoland5.4
45=38Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical UniversityJapan5.5
4637SRUC (Scotland’s Rural College)United Kingdom5.6
=47NRMedical University of LublinPoland5.7
=47NRMedical University of SofiaBulgaria5.7
=47=48Acıbadem UniversityTurkey5.7
=5041Al-Farabi Kazakh National UniversityKazakhstan5.9
=50NRAl-Nahrain UniversityIraq5.9
=52=45Poznan University of Medical SciencesPoland6
=52=45Yokohama City UniversityJapan6
5450California Institute of TechnologyUnited States6.1
=55=45The University of ChicagoUnited States6.2
=55=48University of YamanashiJapan6.2
=5554Tehran University of Medical SciencesIran6.2
=55=51University of PennsylvaniaUnited States6.2
59NRDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)South Korea6.3
=60NRUniversidade LusófonaPortugal6.4
=60=68Stanford UniversityUnited States6.4
=60NRMedical University of WarsawPoland6.4
=63=55University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western SwitzerlandSwitzerland6.5
=63=68Mustansiriyah UniversityIraq6.5
68=58Nagasaki UniversityJapan6.7
=69=58Institut Polytechnique de ParisFrance6.8
=69=62Hellenic Open UniversityGreece6.8
=69=58IPB UniversityIndonesia6.8
=6957El Bosque UniversityColombia6.8
=73=65University of Technology, IraqIraq6.9
=76=72Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical SciencesIndia7.1
=76NRInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh NopemberIndonesia7.1
=78=79Niigata UniversityJapan7.2
=78=84Universitas AirlanggaIndonesia7.2
=78=100Icesi UniversityColombia7.2
=81=94Acharya Nagarjuna UniversityIndia7.3
=81NRBharati Vidyapeeth UniversityIndia7.3
=81=72Saint Louis UniversityUnited States7.3
=81=89Washington University in St LouisUnited States7.3
=81=100Princeton UniversityUnited States7.3
=81=89Pontifical Catholic University of PeruPeru7.3
=81=84University of RochesterUnited States7.3
=81=79Medical University of Silesia in KatowicePoland7.3
=89NRSant’Anna School of Advanced Studies – PisaItaly7.4
=89=75Nagoya City UniversityJapan7.4
=89NRUniversity of South ChinaChina7.4
=89=75University of MiyazakiJapan7.4
=89=79Scuola Normale Superiore di PisaItaly7.4
=89=89Dartmouth CollegeUnited States7.4
=89=72Arak University of Medical SciencesIran7.4
=96NRKalasalingam Academy of Research and EducationIndia7.5
=96=55Sofia UniversityBulgaria7.5
=98=84Gunma UniversityJapan7.6
=98NRHiroshima UniversityJapan7.6
=98=100University of FukuiJapan7.6

Editor’s note: As part of our THE statement on Ukraine published on 2 March 2022, Russian and Belarusian universities have been given less prominence in our rankings. Russian and Belarusian universities that met the criteria for this ranking are not displayed in the table above.

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