ߣߣÊÓƵ School of Management is ranked by the Economist as one of the world's top ten business schools and the Agile Supply Chain Research Club (ASCRC) is ߣߣÊÓƵ's flagship in advanced supply chain management research.


The Agile Supply Chain Research Club (ASCRC) was founded in 1998 and is located within the Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Underpinning the stated aim of the ASCRC is the creation of knowledge, which is of value to our industrial partners, and which is relevant to our teaching.

To guide our work we adhere to the following principles:

  • We seek to address the key 21st century logistics and supply chain challenges
  • We publish our research in leading logistics and supply chain journals to document our work and publicise it to the broader logistics and supply chain community
  • Our research must lead to outputs that are usable by industry and teachable in the classroom
  • We are independent and impartial. We pull out of projects if neutrality is threatened.

In our research work and cooperation with industrial partners we are committed to the following values:

  • Customise responses to suit individual problems: one size does not fit all
  • Conduct research in an open, honest way and protect the findings' integrity
  • Seek relevance over time rather than short term opportunism.

Who is it for?

Supply chain and logistics directors and senior supply chain professionals.


The aim of our ASCRC is to improve supply chain management by creating a collaborative forum where member companies and ߣߣÊÓƵ faculty can share knowledge and experience on promising supply chain practices.

Membership benefits

  • Offers access to, and participation in, a wide range of supply chain management research including improving collaborative relationships, supply chain risk management and big data management. This enables members to more effectively leverage their supply chain to create and sustain competitive advantage.
  • Learn about new supply chain concepts and applications.
  • Open debate at the quarterly meetings around the issues and dilemmas of applying forward thinking practice.
  • Opportunity to learn from other organisations experience.
  • Provides a dedicated membership website, and developing knowledge base, comprising all past presentations and faculty publications and reports.
  • Corporate discounts across ߣߣÊÓƵ School of Management Executive Doctorate in Business Administration, Executive Masters programmes and Executive Development Programmes.


This forum operates on a non-competitive basis. Applications will not be accepted from competitors of any existing members without their express permission.

The forum does not accept applications from consultants or individuals.

Meetings and membership

  • Meetings: Quarterly all day meetings on themes, voted by the member companies, with speakers from leading companies and academia.
  • Participants: A maximum of three participants per membership are invited to attend the meetings, these individuals can differ based on the theme of meeting to ensure the right people are involved.
  • Members: Typically around 16 companies are represented. 

Contact details

Interested parties are invited to join a meeting as a guest and sample the benefits free of charge and without obligation. If you are interested in attending please email Sue Gregory giving your name, contact details and organisation, together with details of which meeting you would be interested in attending.

Sue Gregory
Administrator (ASCRC)
Tel: +44 0 1234 751122
Email: s.gregory@cranfield.ac.uk