Terms and Conditions


ߣߣÊÓƵ Management Development Limited of CMDL, Bedfordshire, MK43 0AL (hereinafter called “CMDL”)


The organisation for whom CMDL is to provide the Programme (hereinafter called “the Client”)

1.            Definitions

1.1 Agreement:  shall mean the contract between CMDL and the Client established by acceptance by the Client of these terms and conditions.

1.2 Alternative Programme: means any Programme which the Client choses to participate in as an alternative to the Programme originally contracted for by the client and Cancelled or Terminated in accordance with clause 5 below

1.3 Background Intellectual Property: shall mean Intellectual Property (as hereinafter defined) or  confidential know-how relevant to the Programme which is in the possession of a Party prior to the commencement of the Programme or generated after commencement of the Programme but independent of the Programme.

1.4 Client’s Personnel: any employee, agent, sub-contractor or representative of the Client.

1.5 Confidential Information: means all information marked as "Confidential" and disclosed by CMDL to the Client.

1.6 Delegate: means the individual who will participate on the Programme.

1.7 Intellectual Property:  means intellectual property which shall include but not be limited to inventions and discoveries (whether patentable or not) Patents, petty patents and applications thereof, registered designs and applications thereof design rights, registered and unregistered trade marks and service marks, specifications, drawings, plans, maps, trade secrets and Confidential Information, copyright material including computer software and databases, technical know-how, Programme materials and other information arising out of the Programme.

1.8 Parties/Party:  the Parties shall mean both CMDL and the Client, and Party shall mean either CMDL or the Client.

1.9 Price: means the total amount payable to CMDL by the Client for undertaking the Programme as specified in the document submitted by CMDL to the Client or as agreed separately in writing.  All charges quoted by CMDL are valid for this Agreement only.

1.10 Programme:   means the original executive training Programme to be provided by CMDL as set out in a separate document submitted by CMDL to the Client.

1.11 Re-scheduled Programme: means a Programme that has been rescheduled to an alternative date.

1.12 Start-Date: means the date originally scheduled for the Programme to commence.

1.13 Training Site: ߣߣÊÓƵ, the Client’s premises or a neutral site where the Programme is to be delivered.

2.         Standard Programmes

2.1        CMDL reserves the right;

i)          to improve the specification and format of its Programmes for the benefit of its Client without notice to the Client.

ii)         to alter the timetable, location, classes and delivery format of the Programme

2.2        The Programme will be given at a nominated Training Site as advised to the Client.  Should circumstances change CMDL reserves the right to nominate a reasonable alternative Training Site and will advise the Client of this.

2.3        CMDL reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any Programme if:

i)          the number of attendees is insufficient to justify running the Programme, or if CMDL is prevented from doing so by events beyond its reasonable control, including in particular, but not limited to, illness of lecturing staff.

ii)         the Client fails to pay for the Programme within fourteen (14) days of the fees becoming due.

2.4        In the event that CMDL is obliged to cancel or reschedule any Programme CMDL will notify the Client immediately and will refund in full all monies paid by the Client, or at the Client's option apply the monies to a re-scheduled or alternative Programme. CMDL accepts no liability for travel, accommodation or incidental costs incurred by the Client in the event that any Programme is cancelled or rescheduled.

3.         Programmes at ߣߣÊÓƵ or other sites

3.1        All Client property brought onto ߣߣÊÓƵ or CMDL’s premises or other sites for the purposes of training shall be at the Client's sole risk and CMDL will accept no liability whether in contract or tort, in respect of any loss of or damage to, the said property from whatsoever cause.

3.2        The Client agrees to ensure that the Client’s Personnel will comply with all reasonable instructions given by ߣߣÊÓƵ or CMDL staff, whether orally or in writing, concerning use of ߣߣÊÓƵ or CMDL premises or other sites, and in particular those instructions relating to security, health and safety.

4.         Payment

4.1        The Client will pay each invoice which CMDL shall submit within 30 days of its receipt, or on receipt where the booking is made less than eight weeks before the programme.

4.2        Payment shall be made to CMDL in full prior to commencement of the Programme. The Client's Delegate(s) will not be permitted to attend the Programme unless payment has been received by ߣߣÊÓƵ Management Development Limited to whom cheques should be made payable.  Bank details are as follows: -

ߣߣÊÓƵ Management Development Limited,
National Westminster Bank plc,
501 Silbury Boulevard, Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3ER

Sort Code: 60-06-56
Account Number: 00218081
IBAN: GB74 NWBK 6006 5600 2180 81
VAT Registration Number: GB 168 4854 63
Payment may also be made by Visa, American Express or Mastercard.

4.3        All charges are exclusive of Value Added Tax which will be added at the ruling rate at time of invoice.

5.         Cancellation and Termination

5.1.       Every effort will be made to avoid cancellation charges.  If late cancellation of the Programme occurs the following sliding scale of charges will be payable to CMDL by the Client:

Cancellation 43 days or more before the Start Date

No Cancellation fee


Cancellation between 29 days to 42 days before the Start-Date

25% of the Programme fee

Cancellation between 15 days to 28 days before the Start-Date

50% of the Programme fee

Cancellation between 14 days or less before the Start-Date

100% of the Programme fee

5.2        This Agreement may be terminated or suspended by mutual consent of the Parties.  Any late cancellation charges will apply.  Any termination or suspension of the Agreement shall be without prejudice to any rights which may have accrued to either Party prior to such termination or suspension.

5.3        Credit notes will be issued to the Client for any outstanding credit balances after deduction of fees as specified above in order that the said balances may be used for a Re-scheduled Programme or an Alternative Programme. For the avoidance of doubt Cancellation or Termination of a re-scheduled or Alternative programme by the Client at any time prior to the Start-Date will not entitle the Client to any refund of the cancellation fee for the Programme

5.4        Credit notes must be used within two (2) years from the date of your Programme. In the event that they remain unclaimed after two (2) years CMDL will gift them to ߣߣÊÓƵ  University an educational charity. In the event that the Client requests a cash refund, such refund will be subject to an administration fee of £30 (plus VAT)

5.5        Further, either Party may without prejudice to any other rights and remedies in respect of any breach or non-observance of any of the covenants or obligations herein contained by notice in writing to the other Party terminate the Contract forthwith if:-

(i)         the other Party shall commit any breach of any of the terms and conditions (including without limitation terms concerning the time for payment of the Agreement price) of this Agreement between them and on its part to be observed or performed provided if such breach is remediable that notice thereof has previously been given and the same has not been remedied within seven days thereafter;

(ii)        the other Party shall present a petition or have a petition presented by a creditor for its winding-up or voluntary winding-up or shall enter into any liquidation (other than for the purposes of a bona fide reconstructions or amalgamation);

(iii)       the Client or Delegate should behave in a manner prejudicial to CMDL or ߣߣÊÓƵ

6.         Delegates Obligations

6.1        To act in an honest and courteous manner and comply with all rules and regulations of CMDL and ߣߣÊÓƵ    

6.2        To prepare for the Programme and to attend all classes and other activities forming part of the Programme and be prepared for all activities relating thereto.

6.3        To abide by any special conditions relating to the Programme.

6.4        To acknowledge the use of CMDL material and comply with the terms and conditions of the Copyright, and Patents Act 1988

7.         Limitation of Liability

CMDL's sole liability shall be for direct loss or damage incurred or suffered by the Client or death or injury to any person as a result of wilful default or negligence on the part of CMDL or its employees, servants or agents in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement and which liability is not otherwise excluded or restricted by this Agreement, but such liability shall in no circumstances exceed the sum of £250,000 in the aggregate in respect of all such losses, save that there shall be no limit of liability in respect of death or injury to any person.

8.         Standard of Programme and Warranty

8.1        CMDL shall undertake the Programme with reasonable skill, care and diligence and shall carry out its responsibilities in accordance with recognised professional and technical standards.

8.2        While CMDL will use reasonable endeavours to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the Programme and of any information provided or opinions expressed in connection with the Programme, it does not give any express or implied representations and this Agreement does not contain any express or implied terms, warranties or conditions as to:-

(i)         the quality or fitness for a particular purpose of the Programme produced or

(ii)        the accuracy, sufficiency or completeness of the Programme, information provided or advice given pursuant to, in connection with or as a result of the Programme.  

In particular, there are hereby expressly excluded all conditions, warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied.  

9.         Intellectual Property

9.1        The copyright and all other intellectual property rights in all Programme materials and the specifications therefore, and whether in standard Programmes, or Programmes developed under the provisions of clause 2, shall remain the sole and exclusive property of CMDL. The Client undertakes that it will not copy or permit the copying of Programme materials, nor disclose or permit the disclosure or sell or hire the same to third parties, nor use the same for running the Client's own Programmes.

9.2.       For the avoidance of doubt nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as affecting the ownership of Background Intellectual Property.

9.3        CMDL agrees to grant to the Client a non-exclusive royalty free licence to use any Intellectual Property arising from the Programme for the Client’s internal purposes but not for external commercial purposes

9.4        In the event that the Client requires access to Background Intellectual Property owned by CMDL in order to exploit Intellectual Property arising from the Programme, CMDL may at its option grant a separate non-exclusive licence to the client on fair and reasonable terms.

10.       Confidentiality

10.1      CMDL will keep confidential any information which CMDL may obtain during the Programme of performing the Services relating to the Client’s business and will not during the Programme of this Agreement or for a period of five (5) years thereafter disclose such information to any other person.  On the ending of the Agreement CMDL will return to the Client any documents, data in whatever form or drawings with which CMDL may have been supplied by the Client and any copies of the same which CMDL may have made during the Programme of performing the Services.

10.2      This obligation of Confidentiality shall not apply to any information:-

(i)         in the public domain at the time it was disclosed or which thereafter enters the public domain without breach of the terms of this Agreement,

(ii)        already known by CMDL at the time of disclosure by the Client,

(iii)       which becomes known from a source other than the Client without breach of the terms of this Agreement,

(iv)       independently developed by an employee of CMDL to whom no disclosure of any such disclosed information has been made,

(v)        disclosed by CMDL in compliance with a legal requirement of a Government Agency or otherwise where disclosure is required by operation of Law.

11.       Non-Assignment

Neither Party may assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of this Agreement in whole or in part or any interest therein without the prior written consent of the other Party.

12.       Notice

Any notice which may be required to be given by either Party under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been duly given if left at or sent by recorded delivery post to the other Party’s last known place of business.

13.        Variation, Severability and Non-Waiver

13.1      No variation or modification shall have any effect unless made in writing and signed by a duly authorised representative of each Party.

13.2      The headings contained within these terms and conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their integration. If any part of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be held as unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of the terms and conditions shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect.

13.3      Failure to terminate this Agreement following a breach or other failure to comply shall not be deemed to be a waiver of a Party's defences, rights or causes of action, arising from such or any future breach or non-compliance, nor shall it affect or impair its right to enforce such terms and conditions in any way.

14.    Data Protection and Data Processing

14.1    In this clause:

(a)      “Personal Data”, “Controller”, “Processor”, “Data Subject” and “Processing” “Third Country” and “International Organisation” have the same meaning as in the Data Protection Legislation; and

(b)     “Data Protection Legislation” shall mean the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations and any guidance or codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner from time to time (all as amended, updated or re-enacted from time to time).

(c)     “Data Controller” shall mean the Party that transfers Personal Data to the other Party

(d)    “Data Processor” shall mean the Party that receives Personal   Data from the other Party.

14.2         Responsibilities

14.2.1      The Parties undertake to comply with all relevant requirements of the Data Protection Legislation. This clause is in addition to, and does not relieve, remove or replace, a Party's obligations under the Data Protection Legislation. Either Party can be a Data Controller or Data Processor if passing personal data to the other Party

14.2.2      The Data Controller will ensure that all required consents and notices are in place to legally transfer of the Personal Data to the Data Processor for the duration and purposes of this Contract

14.2.3      Without prejudice to the generality of this clause the Data Processor shall perform its Data Processing obligation under this Contract by:

a)        processing Personal Data on the written instructions of the Data Controller unless otherwise required by the laws of any member of the European Union or by the laws of the European Union applicable to the Data Processor Applicable Data Processing Laws (“ADPL”) to process Personal Data. When relying on laws of a member of the European Union or European Union law as the basis for processing Personal Data, the Data Processor shall notify the Data Controller prior to  performing the processing as required by the ADPL unless those ADPL prohibit the Data Processor from  notifying the Data Controller;

b)        having appropriate technical and organisational measures in place, approved by the Data Controller, to protect against unauthorised or unlawful processing of Personal Data together with protection for accidental loss, destruction, or damage, to Personal Data, as is appropriate to the harm that might result from the unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, damage and the nature of the data to be protected, having regard to the state of technological development and the cost of implementing any measures (those measures may include, where appropriate, pseudonymising and encrypting Personal Data, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of its systems and services, ensuring that availability of and access to Personal Data can be restored quickly after an incident, and regularly assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of the technical and organisational measures adopted by it);

c)        ensuring that all personnel who have access to and/or process Personal Data are obliged to keep the Personal Data confidential; and

d)     not transferring any Personal Data outside of the European Economic Area to a Third Country or an International Organisation, unless the prior written consent of the Data Controller has been obtained and the following conditions are fulfilled:

i.   the Data Controller or the Data Processor has provided appropriate safeguards in relation to the transfer;

ii.   the Data Subject has enforceable rights and effective legal remedies;

iii.   the Data Processor complies with its obligations under the Data Protection Legislation by providing an adequate level of protection to any Personal Data that is transferred; and

iv.   the Data Processor complies with reasonable instructions notified to it in advance by the Data Controller with respect to the processing of the Personal Data;

v.   assist the Data Controller, in responding to any request from a Data Subject and in ensuring compliance with its obligations under the Data Protection Legislation with respect to security, breach notifications, impact assessments and consultations with supervisory authorities or regulators;

vi.   notify the Data Controller without undue delay on becoming aware of a Personal Data breach;

vii.   at the written direction of the Data Controller, delete or return Personal Data and copies thereof to the Data Controller on termination of the agreement unless required by Applicable Data Processing Law to store the Personal Data; and

viii.   maintain complete and accurate records and information to demonstrate its compliance with this clause

14.3      The Data Controller consents to the Data Processor appointing a third-party processor of Personal Data under this Contract should it be necessary. The Data Processor confirms that it has entered or (as the case may be) will enter with the third-party processor into a written agreement substantially on that third party's standard terms of business.

14.4      Either Party may, at any time on not less than thirty (30) days' notice, revise this clause by replacing it with any applicable controller to processor standard clauses or similar terms forming part of an applicable certification scheme (which shall apply when replaced by attachment to this Contract).

15.       Survival

The provisions of the following clauses shall remain binding upon each Party after expiry or termination of this Agreement, 7, 9, 10 14 and 21.

16.       Force Majeure

Neither Party will be liable to the other Party for any delay in or failure to perform its obligations (other than payment of money) as a result of any cause beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to any industrial dispute.  If such delay or failure continues for at least 30 days, either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by notice in writing.

17.       Transfers

You may transfer your booking to an Alternative Programme or to the same programme beginning on a later date up to 28 days before the Start-Date of the Programme at no extra charge.  If you wish to transfer after this, and at any time up to the first day of the Programme, the following charges will apply:

Notice Period

% Booking Fee Charged

28 – 0 days


Transfers to a Programme with a higher fee than the original Programme (either an Alternative Programme, or a future date where the Programme fee has been increased), the higher fee will apply. Any booking transferred is additionally subject to the cancellations charges as specified in Clause 5. If you cancel your booking at any time (irrespective of the number of days) between the date of your notifying CMDL of the wish to transfer the booking and the Start-Date of the Alternative Programme the full original cancellations fees will be payable. The fees paid specified under this clause 17 shall be in addition to any cancellation fee payable in accordance with the said clause 5 above and will not be set off against any cancellation fees and shall not be waived for any reason including medical, personal or business circumstances.

18.       English Language

The primary language of the Programme is English, and may include a considerable amount of 'business language'.  The Programme is intended to be as interactive as possible and will therefore include much group discussion and syndicate work.  All delegates are expected to participate fully in this process, and are therefore required to have sufficient knowledge of both written and spoken English if they are to benefit from the Programme.

19.       Disability Statement

ߣߣÊÓƵ has published a Disability Statement under the terms of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, which will be of interest to all prospective students who have disabilities. These regulations also apply to CMDL and copies of the statement are available on request.

20.       Accommodation

Participants are usually accommodated in the ߣߣÊÓƵ Management Development Centre.  Most Programme fees include full-board accommodation for the duration of the Programme; however please check your Programme details for further information.  Any extras such as telephone charges, newspapers, extra meals etc. should be paid for by the delegate on departure.  Accommodation can usually be arranged for the night preceding the Start-Date of the Programme, at the participant's request (subject to bedroom availability).

21.       Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be subject to English law and the Parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

(Completion of CMDL’s Booking Form signifies acceptance of this contract)