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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleMedium48dq:Fc-2NWgFSWc-2NWgFSW̙̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333\`[Sheet1,"J< AcademicsProfessional and supportAll respondentsI find my job rewardingOI generally experience high levels of well-being in relation to my work and job)My work is a source of satisfaction to me-My research is a source of satisfaction to me-My teaching is a source of satisfaction to medI am happy about the opportunities for personal growth and development offered to me by my employer $I am looking to leave my current jobI spend too much time working0I feel my job has a negative impact on my health+I am proud to work in my current universityBMy university offers a fair deal to its employees, in terms of pay]My university offers a fair deal to its employees in terms of working conditions and benefits1My employer cares for the well-being of its staff5Sometimes I feel the university takes advantage of meAMy university is supportive of staff with caring responsibilities*I often work more than my contracted hours7If I work extra hours, it is acknowledged by my manager>My work responsibilities allow for a healthy work-life balance8The workload assigned to me by my employer is reasonable2The leadership of my university is performing well0I am excited about the university s future plansHSince the introduction of higher tuition fees, my workload has increasedeMy university has compromised on student quality in its drive to increase or preserve student numbersEPressure to give students better marks has increased at my university`I am happy about the contribution made by my university to the community and to society at large2The leadership of my department is performing well\I believe the metrics-based performance measures could lead to redundancies in my departmentgI believe a teaching excellence framework (TEF) is needed to improve teaching quality at my institutionMy job feels secure4I would recommend working at my university to othersFI do not have enough time to do the research I need to do to get aheadcI enjoy working with my immediate team of colleagues (the 5-10 colleagues I work most closely with)AMy university has a fair and effective Equal Opportunities Policy:My university is supportive of employees with a disability.I can make my voice heard within my university*My subject area is valued by my universityIn general, international undergraduate students in my department speak and write English at a level that is adequate for degree level study% Strongly disagree % Disagree% Total disagree% Neither agree nor disagree% Agree% Strongly agree % Total agreePersonalPay and conditionsPolitics and policyWorkplace atmosphereThere were 2,852 respondents. Of those, 1,398 (49per cent) describe themselves as  academics , with 1,454 (51per cent) stating that they work in  professional and support roles. The gender split is 1,564 female and 1,288 male.VEach respondent was presented with 37 statements about their institution, such as  Iwould recommend working at my university to others . They were asked to indicate the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with the statement on a five-point Likert scale: strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, or strongly agree.In the table, the total percentages of all respondents who disagree or agree with a question are based on the survey s raw data. As such, they may differ from the sum of the figures in the table, which have been rounded.The survey also allowed participants to write comments about their institution in three categories:  things my university does well ;  areas in which my university could improve ; and an open box for any further comments.To ensure that respondents completed the survey only once, and that they were affiliated to a university, only people with a working  .ac.uk email address could take part. The owner of each email address could complete the survey only once.Survey methodologyTotal number of academics responding: 1,398. Total number of professional and support staff responding: 1,454. Total number of respondents: 2,852 (male: 1,288; female 1,564)To compile the ߣߣƵ University Workplace Survey 2016, we canvassed the opinions of higher education employees from across the UK between September and December 2015 in an online survey.%cThe independent online survey was first developed by THE in consultation with Rob Briner and Yiannis Gabriel, professors at the University of Bath School of Management, after discussion with individuals from professional bodies and trade unions, including the University and College Union, the Association of University Administrators and Universities UK.58B)7 Z8=B:%9<>@ Ao K PK!pO[Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢]yl#!MB;.n̨̽\A1&ҫ QWKvUbOX#&1`RT9<l#$>r `С-;c=1gѠԯٴ++2a,/$nECA6٥D-ʵ? dXiJF8,nx (MKoP(\HbWϿ})zg'8yV#x'˯?oOz3?^?O?~B,z_=yǿ~xPiL$M>7Ck9I#L nꎊ)f><|HL|3.ŅzI2O.&e>Ƈ8qBۙ5toG1sD1IB? }J^wi(#SKID ݠ1eBp{8yC]$f94^c>Y[XE>#{Sq c8 >;-&~ ..R(zy s^Fvԇ$*cߓqrB3' }'g7t4Kf"߇ފAV_] 2H7Hk;hIf;ZX_Fڲe}NM;SIvưõ[H5Dt(?]oQ|fNL{d׀O&kNa4%d8?L_H-Ak1h fx-jWBxlB -6j>},khxd׺rXg([x?eޓϲكkS1'|^=aѱnRvPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-!pO[Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 -_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!0ktheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] Z 2X\*w^~  dMbP?_*+%," d??U } U} U} * >} >} U>} * >} >} >} >} U >} >} >} U >} *>} >} U >} *>} >} U2,,,,,,,,, , , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ??E E( EE E)E E* I I+ IM M, MM M-M M. ?A G G G G G G G  K  K  K  O  O O O O O O D/ B*F`@F w@F@F(@F@FБ@Qfffff1@~  J-@ J"@ R@N@N@ TfffffB@~ N @NfffffA@N@@@Sv@D CH9@H @H@H8@H0@~ H4@GA@ L3@Lx@  K1@0 P5@PC@U4@P@@PH@P1@O>@D B~ F@F@Fffffff@F@@F@F`@Q@ J @$ J@R@NC@N@TF@NC@NYA@~ Np@ST@D CBH`}@H>@H@H@HT@H`s@G@L(@L@K@  Pfffff@@~  P@Ufffff3@P@P@P@OD@D BTF@z@FN@Fn@F@FV@Ft@Q@J*@Jw@RB@N@N @T8@NYB@N@N@S@D C~ H4@H#@Hffffff0@~ H7@Hfffff0@Hfffff3@Gfffff&B@~  L0@ Lffffff @6 K8@PD@PЫ@U=@P@Pn@P@O@D B ~ F6@Ffffff&A@F<@FP@F@F4@Q@J@  J1@6 RȞ@N@N-@Tؘ@N@N@N@SĨ@ D C T H@H@H~@H@H,@H@G@L2@L@K@P=@P5@Uأ@ PC@ PP@P@O޲@ D B  F*@F@F6@F2@ Ffffff&A@ FȤ@Q.@J1@JH@  R0@* N9@NȔ@T(@N9@Np@N/@ SffffffA@ D C ` H1@H @H@H@H`@H@G@L@L@K @P6@P@@@Uh@P8@P޲@ PYB@ OfffffP@ D0 B 0 F0@F@F@F4@F&@F@Qx@ J4@* J`@R@N@N@Tl@NX@ N@@ N8@S@ D Cl H|@H@H@H5@H@@H @Gh@L1@L@K`@P9@PB@UL@P.@P@P@O@D BF@F @F4@F@F@@FP@Qfffff&B@B J/@J@Rx@N`@N@TH@N`@N@N`@S@D C*H @H@H(@Hx@H@H@GfffffA@* L(@L@K@@P@P@U@PffffffB@P&@Pp@O@I@D B*F@Ft@F@@F@F@F&@Qffffff3@ J(@J@  R@@ N@ND@T?@N"@Nl@Nؘ@S@D C*H@e@H@H@z@H@H4@H@G1@ L@L@K@P:@  PA@$U?@PL@PX@PT@Op@D BFB@`F@Fl@F(@F@@F@QE@J@J@R@Nh@NȮ@T@N@N2@N*@SfffffC@D C$Hl@H@@H@H@HБ@H2@GffffffA@~  L2@ L0@6 K@P4@Pְ@Uب@P@P@PP@OH@D B~ F@Fffffff@F@F6@FȔ@F1@Qfffff&@@$ JH@J@R@N9@N@ TfffffA@N)@NȤ@NȞ@SK@ D1 CHffffffC@$H%@H@H8@H8@H@GfffffC@6 L.@L@K@PP@P|@U@PБ@P;@P3@~ O@D BF@F~@F0@Fffffff3@0F%@FH@Q$@J@J@RH@N@  NfffffA@$Tܤ@N@N@N3@Sڱ@D CZH`}@H@H@H`@H6@H@G @Ld@L2@K@P4@P.@U3@P4@P@P8@Ot@D BNF@F@Fx@F2@F8@F@Q@J@J@@@R:@N @N@ T2@~ NT@Nffffff @N1@SЫ@D CHX@H@H@H3@H@Hؘ@G@L@  Lfffff&P@6 K@P`@P!@U0@P@Pt@P@O\@D BNF@Fd@F@F-@F@F%@Q0@J<@Jp@R8@N@NȮ@ Tfffff&A@N4@N@N>@SP@D CHģ@H@Hfffff1@ZH@H,@HЖ@G@@@L.@L@@KX@Pp@P@U@P@@P@Pt@Oȴ@D BF!@Fp@F@FX@F3@NF@Q9@J0@Jd@R@D@N8@N@TЛ@NT@NЁ@Nx@S@D CTHB@H@@H@H @H@H@GT@L5@L @K@P@P@U8@Pffffff @P@P0@Offffff3@ D2 B<FD@FP@FH@F@F@F0@Q@JЛ@J@  R0@0 Nأ@NX@Tl@N1@N@NȞ@Sh@D C H@H@Hfffff0@$H0@H@HБ@G@L8@  L#@6 K@Pp@P@Uģ@P3@P@PP@O@Dl ,!,",#,$,%,&,(,*,+,,,-,.,/,0,1, D B! 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