Many institutions may find it challenging to translate the crisis experience into an immediate enhancement of teaching and learning, says Michael Gaebel
Continuous professional development must become an integral part of the academic career path, not a mere ¡®extracurricular¡¯ endeavour, says Alexandra Mihai
Based on interviews with university presidents over the past year, Jon McNaughtan identifies three areas that all campus leaders should focus on during any crisis
Amid the pandemic shutdown, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi took the reins of a faculty at King¡¯s College London. He shares his key lessons in how to quickly settle in with a remote team
How can universities ensure that students learn vital lessons in sustainability in all their courses? Anna McKie talks to three leaders who have already done so
Despite numerous announcements by the University of British Columbia, indigenous leaders see big talk from a big institution, but no clearer answers on finding balance
Seeking out students for personal tutoring in socially distanced times is the labour-intensive but necessary task that may defeat universities, says Michael Wynn-Williams
The secretary of higher education for the state of New Jersey talks about her path to a career in policy, family history and handling racist attitudes at college
Universities are steering the country¡¯s response to Covid-19 in the absence of political leadership, which is helping citizens value higher education, says rector
President of research powerhouse Sigbritt Karlsson calls for realism about openness while continuing to foster culture of innovation and entrepreneurialism
Rachel Kyte¡¯s previous roles in supra-national bodies make the new dean of Tufts University¡¯s Fletcher School of international relations determined to see the academy play its part in rescuing multilateralism and addressing climate change, writes John Gill
Academia has gone green in a big way in recent years, but some doubt whether it will make much difference to the planet. Nick Mayo speaks to scholars and students to assess the sector¡¯s environmental record
Robert MacIntosh considers how university staff should approach the management merry-go-round of vice-chancellors, pro vice-chancellors and department heads
Difficult conversations about student complaints and colleagues¡¯ underperformance will test the skills and judgement of senior academic staff, says Robert MacIntosh