High value and increasingly complex assets - such as aircraft and railway networks - demand intelligent support, provided by the Centre for Life-cycle Engineering and Management (CLEM).
The Centre for Life-cycle Engineering and Management develops the next generation of systems needed to manage design, manufacture, operations, life extension and end-of-life of large-scale assets with expected lifetimes of up to 60 years. Cost, safety and environmental impact are considered throughout the life cycle. Optimised support integrates diagnostics and prognostics, self-aware/sensing systems, and planning and scheduling for maintenance decisions, support and logistics. We have a special focus on degradation of machines, structures and surfaces, with remote and autonomous systems for inspection, repair and healthcare. We work closely with industry’s needs for training and research in aerospace, manufacturing, transport (special focus on railways), defence, and medicine.
As part of the CLEM mission, we focus on finding ways to manufacture products with the highest levels of reliability and lowest levels of cost over the entire life cycle. Collaboration with the Through-life Engineering Services Centre allows us to work with industry on disruptive technologies in this field.