Unfolding the science of systems

Our changing economy is placing ever-greater demands on the skills and expertise of the workforce and up-scaling of new models relies largely on the ability to equip our current and future leaders with the skills to adapt, innovate, and flourish. There will be a need for cross-curricular, multi-disciplinary learning, connecting designers with engineers, material scientists, anthropologists, marketers and business students in order to harness sustainability as a transformational force.

"ߣߣÊÓƵ has been leading thinking in the circular economy through our research on sustainable design and corporate responsibility for some time. We are already one of six circular economy ‘Pioneer Universities’ in the world, working with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and we have hosted successful summer schools and hackathons with businesses exploring the potential of this area. The MSc in Technology, Innovation and Management for a Circular Economy will allow us to contribute substantially to making this an industrial reality.” - Professor Sir Peter Gregson, Vice-Chancellor of ߣߣÊÓƵ


  • Shao J, Huang S, Lemus-Aguilar I & Ãœnal E (2019) Circular business models generation for automobile remanufacturing industry in China, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Available online 25 September 2019 (3).
  • Shao J & Ãœnal E (2019) What do consumers value more in green purchasing? Assessing the sustainability practices from demand side of business, Journal of Cleaner Production, 209 (February) 1473-1483.
  • Ãœnal E, Urbinati A, Chiaroni D & Manzini R (2019) Value Creation in Circular Business Models: The case of a US small medium enterprise in the building sector, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 146 (July) 291-307.
  • Ãœnal E, Urbinati A & Chiaroni D (2019) Managerial practices for designing circular economy business models: The case of an Italian SME in the office supply industry, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30 (3) 561-589.
  • Ãœnal E & Shao J (2019) A taxonomy of circular economy implementation strategies for manufacturing firms: Analysis of 391 cradle-to-cradle products, Journal of Cleaner Production, 212 (March) 754-765.
  • Moreno, M.A., De los Rios C., Rowe, Z. Charnley, F*. (2016). A Conceptual Framework for Circular Design. Sustainability. Vol 8. No. 9. pp. 937.
Circular Economy